Allied General PC CD-ROM Win

"Prepare to be blown to bits!" bellows the box strap-line, in a vain and stupid bid to convince everyone that this isn't just another hex-o-click.

Look: this is one of the best strategy wargames, with neater presentation than its Nazi-based predecessor Panzer General and a reasonably friendly learning curve.

But why pretend there's any hands-on tension and excitment, Fidel?

Allied General probably isn't worth considering if you own its daddy. Both games allow you to play as either side and many scenarios are duplicated.

But newsreel-stuffed as Panzer General was, Master Allied is a fair bit glitzier. Neater menus, more cine footage: this is about as slick as a danced-up boardgame can get.

Campaigns, single battles, what-if scenario builders; and, when it gets too tough, the chance to go back to the start and humiliate the Italians again.

Allied General PC CD-ROM - by Sierra
Req DX2 8Mb Win
Uppers As good as these thigs get
Downers Not for C&C; lovers
Overall 80% Panzer General 1.1

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