
TIPS FOR THE TOP - PART TWO by Paul Rose 15/1/98

TEKKEN 3 (PlayStation)

Currently on the slate for a May release in its native Japan, Tekken 3 has experienced a painful transition from the arcade to the PlayStation. Namco's original plan was to include the CD with some sort of PlayStation RAM upgrade - so sure was it that the machine wouldn't be able to handle the depth and graphical achievements of the arcade game. Incredibly, not only will Tekken 3 make it to the PlayStation intact, but it'll feature additional characters and options exclusive to the console. If you're one of these sorry, friendless saps who follows the mythology of beat 'em ups, you'll undoubtedly be ecstatic to hear that Tekken 3 is set some 20 years after Tekken 2. Those characters making it over from Tekken 2 - Heihachi, Paul, Marshall Law and Lei are but four - will be shown in middle-age, with new and re-vamped moves to reflect their maturity. Newcomers include various offspring or students of the original characters.

Other new aspects include slightly faster gameplay, and a new move that lets you break out of a fall. The graphics are larger, and boast more detailed 3D backdrops than before. Otherwise it'll be business as usual - including a healthy dose of hidden combatants. UK gamers should be able to sink their teeth into Tekken 3 sometime in the latter half of the year.


Though Hudsonsoft has somewhat blotted its copybook with Baku Bomberman on the Nintendo 64, we must not forget that the Bomberman series still sits atop a pedestal as some of the finest multi-player games of all time. A Bomberman game has appeared on practically every format imaginable, including PC, Saturn and even Gameboy, but there's yet to be a PlayStation Bomberman game. Curious considering it's the biggest-selling console in the world.

To readdress the balance, and feed the appetite of multi-player-hungry PS owners, Hudson has put together Bomberman World, which once again offers a subtle spin on the original top-down viewpoint and bomb-dropping, maze-based action. You see, this is the first isometric Bomberman game, and though that in itself doesn't fiddle with the basic action too much, a new host of background features and bomb power-ups should do. Mercifully, however, it looks as if Bomberman World will mark a return to the simplistic, addictive multi-player love-ups so missing from Baku Bomberman 64.

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