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English Chick Cartoon Tracts
Over 500 million sold worldwide

All-tract Assortment Pack For 37 years, soul-winners worldwide have used Chick cartoon tracts to witness because CHICK TRACTS GET READ! Each one grabs the reader's attention, then clearly presents the gospel, ending with an invitation to receive Christ. Tracts are $0.14 each , or $3.50 per package of 25 (U.S. currency). Available in nearly 100 languages. Here's why Christians say Chick tracts GET READ!


This Was Your Life
Real Heat
See Jack Chick's new Bible tract series.

Vol. #1


Order as many or as few as you would like. If the title you are looking for is not listed under "Stock Titles", please see "Custom Order Titles" near the bottom of the page.

Accident, The
When a priceless carpet is permanently stained, its owner learns that only Jesus' blood can remove the stain of sin.

Allah Had No Son
The Allah of Islam is not the God of creation.

Are Roman Catholics Christians?
Religion can't save, only Jesus can!

Assignment, The
Will Charles respond to the gospel in time?

Back From The Dead?
They thought he was dead, but he woke up screaming, "I've got to get saved! I saw hell! I never want to see it again!" Dramatic!

Bad Bob!
Bob was mean and didn't need God, until he nearly died in jail.

Beast, The
This Bible prophecy tract hits hard. Accept Christ or face a time of trouble like the world has never seen.

Best Friend
Let me tell you about my very best friend! He made everything, and is even getting a big mansion ready for me! His name is Jesus. Written especially for children.

Time was running out for Ashley. Drugs would soon kill her. But a praying grandmother made the difference.

Big Daddy?
A student proves evolution is full of holes.

Big Deal, The
Just as God transformed a liar and schemer named Jacob, He can change us, too!

This takeoff on horror films reveals the truth about Halloween.

David thought no one had seen his adultery. But everything was recorded by God.

Charlie's Ants
Through Charlie's ants, young readers learn that God became man to die for us. Great salvation message!

Choice, The
All through life we make choices. But there is one choice that is more important than all the rest.

When Cleo is rescued from the animal shelter, her owner learns how Jesus redeemed us.

Contract!, The
You do not need a contract with Satan to go to hell.

Creator or Liar?
The Bible in a nutshell. How the world began, how sin entered the world, and why we must trust Jesus.

Crisis, The
A Jehovah's Witness accepts Christ just in time to save his girl's life.

Curse of Baphomet, The
A Mason discovers the truth behind his lodge.

Death Cookie, The
Introduces Catholics to the real Bread of Life, Jesus Christ.

Demon's Nightmare, A
When a youth finds Christ, he becomes a nightmare for the demons trying to stop him.

Doom Town
Story of Sodom. Delivers a compassionate plea to repent of homosexuality.

Empty Tomb, The
The story of Christ's resurrection from the dead. Because of the empty tomb, Jesus is the only way to heaven.

Execution, The
He was supposed to be executed for his crime, but someone took his place. Jesus has taken our place too.

Flight 144
A couple spends 30 years on the mission field, trusting in their good works. But when they die and stand before God, they learn that good works can't save... only Jesus can.

Fool, The
When the king was dying without Christ, the jester knew he had found a bigger fool than himself.

Joseph was framed by Potiphar's wife and ended up in prison. But the same God who delivered Joseph will deliver you.

Great Escape, The
A youth learns the only way to escape this doomed earth is Jesus.

Great One, The
When he stood before God, the Great One learned that he wasn't so great after all ... but it was too late!

Greatest Story Ever Told
Story of Jesus from birth to resurrection.

Gun Slinger
A hired killer trusts Christ and, at death, goes to heaven. But the law-abiding marshal who hunted him rejects Christ and goes to hell. Clearly shows that salvation is through grace, not works.

Happy Halloween
It was supposed to be a fun Halloween, visiting a "Haunted House" for a great scare. But when an accident claims a boy's life, his friends learn there is a real hell waiting for all those who die without Jesus.

Happy Hour
When this alcoholic finds Christ, he becomes a new man.

Hi There!
When Charlie died in his sins, he stood before the Jesus he had laughed at.

Holy Joe
His platoon laughed at him, but his testimony lead his sergeant to Christ.

How To Get Rich
Learn how to gain riches you can take with you when you die.

Adapted from the classic story of Ebenezer Scrooge, but with a twist. Scrooge gets saved!

In The Beginning
Here's how God created the world, including dinosaurs.

It's Coming
Noah's flood ... it's true! Here is how it happened.

It's The Law
The Ten Commandments ... no one can obey them perfectly. That's why we need Jesus.

Last Judge, The
Samuel was a great judge. But he's nothing like that final judge we must all stand before. He knows everything we've ever done.

Last Rites
When this Catholic dies, he learns that his church couldn't save him.
Letter, The
Mildred learns in a dream she wasn't a true friend. She never told Frances about Jesus.

Little Ghost, The
"I'm not afraid of you... because Jesus loves me!" The simple Gospel for young children.

Little Princess, The
Heidi is terribly sick. But when she gets saved on Halloween night, her whole family finds Christ too. An emotional story with a happy ending.

Long Trip, The
Life is a trip that will end up in one of two places...Heaven or Hell.

Loser, The
He was afraid of everything. But God changed Gideon from a loser to a great leader.

Love Story, A
Who loves you so much he gave you life and left heaven to die for you? It was Jesus!

Love The Jewish People
God has promised to judge those who turn against Israel and bless those who trust her Messiah.

Mad Machine, The
Financial pressures, world tension, crime... only Jesus can give you peace.

His priest said he could not know for sure he was saved. But on his deathbed, Murph put his faith in the One who gives assurance of eternal life.

Nervous Witch, The
When Saul visited the witch of Endor he discovered the terrible price God requires of those who play with witchcraft.

No Fear?
Suicide...The subject is common among teens today. But when Lance decides it is the only way out of his troubles, he discovers that hell is not the party place described in popular songs.

One Way!
Using just pictures and very few words, this tract shows that Jesus is the only way to obtain eternal life. Great for children!

Only Hope, The
Here is a description of the horrible times the Bible says are coming in the future. There is no one to turn to for help but Jesus. He is the only hope.

Outcast, The
Rahab was saved because she trusted the Lord. He will save you, too, if you will call upon him.

Party Girl
A young woman's brush with death reveals Satan's plot for her destruction.

Just like Jezebel, Kelli's actions had led to a man's death so she could steal his property. But when Kelli met Jesus, her story had a much different ending.

Pilgrimage, The
Abdul Ali died when his plane crashed returning home from his pilgrimage to Mecca. Expecting to wake up with Allah in paradise, he found himself standing before the judge he had rejected ... Jesus!

Present, The
The king had a present that he wanted to freely give to those in his kingdom who would receive it. God wants to give you a free gift...eternal life through His Son, Jesus.

Promise, The
Through the story of Abraham, we learn how today's Middle East crisis began, and how God always keeps His promises.

Real Heat
The same One who saved Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from Nebuchadnezzar's fire can save you from the fire of hell.

Room 310
Danny is dying of cancer. The man in the bed next to him tries to win him to Jesus. A compelling story with a happy ending.

Scam, The
Just like Joshua was fooled by the people of Gibeah, you are being fooled by Satan. Don't let Satan's scam land you in hell!

Sin Busters
Nobody can keep the 10 Commandments. Jesus is the only way to heaven.

Sin City
Jesus CAN free anyone from the sin of Sodom.

Sissy?, The
Duke thought Jesus was a sissy, until a trucker explained to him the horrible price Jesus paid so his sins could be forgiven. Then Duke saw that Jesus had more guts than anyone who ever lived. Great for truckers and bikers!

Slugger, The
When the Slugger learns he is about to die without Christ, he realizes that his money and fame are worthless. An exciting baseball story that delivers a powerful salvation message.

Somebody Goofed
A young man goofs when he is talked out of receiving Jesus as Saviour.

Somebody Loves Me
Beaten and alone, a child dies. But Jesus cares.

Superstar, The
For soccer fans. Roberto's fame and skill were no help when he learned he had only weeks to live.

Thief, The
When this burglar breaks into the home of a Christian, he wants to get saved too.

This Was Your Life
Everything you have said or done will be played back at judgment. Will your name be in the Book of Life?

Tiny Shoes
When his son died, Juan turned from drinking and gambling to serve Christ.

Chester thought he didn't need God. But when the ship began to sink, he learned how wrong he was.

Traitor, The
When a Hindu priest meets a man of God, he decides to trust Jesus as his Saviour.

True Path, The
An adaptation of "One Way!" Drawn especially for Native American readers.

Trust Me
"You're gonna love these drugs, kid. Trust me!" But this youngster learns too late that Jesus is the only one he can really trust.

Tycoon, The
A Buddhist learns Buddha didn't die for his sins. Jesus is the only way to heaven.

Visitors, The
Two Mormon missionaries learn the truth about their church.

War Zone
This school was a "war zone" until the Gospel got inside.

Warning, The
They ignored the simple warning. After all, it looked like such fun. The result was deadly, just like ignoring the warnings that God gives us about sin.

Who Murdered Clarice?
It looked like they were going to get away with it ... but Someone was watching. An anti-abortion message.

Why Is Mary Crying?
Devotion to Mary doesn't please her. It breaks her heart.

Word Became Flesh, The
Almost all scripture, those with no Bible training will understand who Jesus is.


Attack, The
See the behind-the-scenes struggle to destroy the King James Bible, and how God preserved it.

Dark Dungeons
Debbie thought playing Dungeons and Dragons was fun...until it destroyed her friend.
Last Generation, The
Christ's return is the only escape for beleivers being haunted by "Big Brother." With nowhere to hide, they are swept up in the Rapture.

Where's Rabbi Waxman?
In this tract, written specially for Jewish people, Rabbi Waxman comes face-to-face with prophecies of the Messiah and sees how they all point to Jesus.

Minimum order, 10,000 copies per title.

We could never stock all the titles we've ever produced. We do not stock the following titles, but they are available on a custom order basis, which means you must order at least 10,000 copies of a single title. The cost for the tracts is $700.00, which is a 50% discount (plus $75.00 shipping per 10,000 tracts to any U.S. address, and $150.00 per 10,000 tracts anywhere else.) If you have any questions about ordering 10,000 copies of any of these titles, check out the most Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Order tracts.

They started as a "Christian" rock group, and became slaves to rock. But Tom found that Jesus could set him free!

Baby Talk
A teenager learns abortion is murder and Jesus is the only solution.

Big Spender, The
Everyone can relate to the Prodigal Son...and God's love.

Brat, The
Uses the story of the prodigal son to show that everyone needs to come home to Jesus. His arms are always open wide.

Bull, The
When Bull found Jesus in his cell, the prison was sure to change.

Burn Baby Burn
Jesus Christ went into the fire to save Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He wants to save you, too!

Daniel was spared in the lion's den because he trusted in God. You'll be spared, too, if you trust in Christ!

Deceived, The
Allah was the little idol god of Muhammad's Quraysh tribe. Muslims worship the demon behind that idol.

Dreamer, The
God's plan for Joseph's life was brought to pass through dreams. God also has a plan for your life. It starts with Jesus!

Through Adam and Eve, sin entered the world. Jesus is the only one who can remove it.

Fat Cats
Juan joins a communist revolution, thinking it will bring peace. But he learns only Jesus can do that.

Fire Starter?
Wickedness was outside control. But God sent Elijah to start a fire to demonstrate to all that there is only one God, and that we must obey Him!

First Jaws, The
God loved Nineveh enough to send Jonah to warn the city, and He loved us enough to send someone greater than Jonah to save us...Jesus!

Frame Up
Jesus was framed! And He did it all for you.

Gay Blade, The
God judged Sodom for the homosexuality of its people. Jesus can deliver anyone from this sin and make them a new person!

Going Home
Peter has AIDS but, after he met Christ he knew he would never die. He was just going home.

Going to the Dogs
The story of Ahab and Jezebel shows that God watches and records everything.

Gomez is Coming
Gomez is an imprisoned gang leader. Before he is to be released, his kid brother is killed in a drive-by shooting. Everyone expects Gomez to get revenge, but a chaplain leads him to Christ. In a surprise ending, Gomez forgives the killer.

Hit!, The
A mobster has Rose's family murdered. When Jesus helps her forgive, the mobster wants Jesus, too! Free salvation was an offer he couldn't refuse.

The Holocaust was a Roman Catholic Inquisition against the Jews. No true Christians would kill anyone in the name of Jesus. God commands us to love the Jewish people.

Hunter, The
Don't let a drug pusher make a sucker out of you! He just hunts for kids to use them and then throws them away. Let Jesus give you a life worth living.

Is There Another Christ?
Have you ever been lied to? Millions have, trusting in "another Christ" to save them. The gospel for Roman Catholics.

Killer Storm
God gave Noah a way to escape the flood. God made a way for you to escape the next judgment ... Jesus!
Carlos thought Communism (Liberation Theology) would bring justice and equality. But he learns that only Jesus can do that.

Miss Universe
God sent Esther to deliver Israel. He sent His Son to deliver you! Will you accept Him?

Outsider, The
Through the beautiful story of Ruth, we learn that we are all "outsiders," in need of a Redeemer.

Passover Plot, The
Through the story of the first Passover you will understand why Jesus was God's Passover Lamb to provide salvation for all.

Bible tract presents the Gospel with the story of the Exodus.

Poor Little Witch, The
She thought she could mess with Satan and then quit. But someone had to pay the price.

When two thugs kidnap a woman and demand a ransom for her release, they learn that Jesus Christ paid the ultimate ransom for them.

Reverend Wonderful
When a respected, religious leader dies and stands before God, he learns that his name wasn't in the Book of Life. A soul winning message.

Royal Affair, The
When King David repented of his sin with Bathsheba, God forgave him. Repent, and God will forgive you, too!

Sacrifice, The
God provided a ram so Abraham didn't have to sacrifice his son. God also gave His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for us. Powerful salvation theme!

Scoundrel, The
Jacob was a scoundrel, but became a new man when he met God. We're all scoundrels...but Jesus is in the scoundrel-changing business.

Secret of Prayer
For Christians. Basic teaching about prayer.

Secret, The
He thought no one would know he beat his wife. But when the secret got out, Jesus changed his life.

Soul Story
When Leroy got out of prison, the turf war began. But all the time, he kept remembering Grandma and her faith in Jesus. An inner city story.

Storyteller, The
The story of the beginning of Islam, taken from the testimony of Alberto Rivera. Islam cannot bring peace...only Jesus can!

Samson fell with Delilah, but when he repented of his sin, God forgave him. God will forgive you, too!

Terminator?, The
They thought Goliath was the ultimate weapon. But God delivered him into the hands of a shepherd. At Armageddon, another Shepherd will bring victory. Make Him your Saviour!

That Crazy Guy!
When Suzi got AIDS, she learned that God's demand for sexual purity was for her own good.

Thing, The
The thing possessed poor Maria. It drove her to do strange things. But Jesus' power delivered her so the thing couldn't hurt her anymore.

Trap, The
Forget reincarnation. This tract uses the rich man and Lazarus to show there is no second chance.

Trial, The
A young girl is sued because she witnessed to her young friend. A humorous story that drives home the vital Biblical truth that Jesus is the only way to heaven. A powerful salvation story.

Trick, The
Shows Halloween"s origin and real purpose.

Why No Revival?
A message to Christians shows why many churches have no revival.