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My visit to Southwest Baptist University

A few years ago I had the honor to speak in chapel at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO. I had a great time and scores of students thanked me for coming and told me their faith was greatly strengthened. Over the next few weeks some others wrote articles in their campus paper that were very negative about me. Below is my response to them. I would still be honored to come back and defend my position in a discussion or debate. If you know anyone there please encourage him or her to pursue this.

OMNIBUS (Campus Paper)
Southwest Baptist University
1600 University Ave.
Bolivar, MO [65613]

Letter to the Editor:

I enjoyed your lovely campus as well as the friendly faculty and students when I spoke in chapel last spring. I only had time to present one of the 15 sessions in my creation seminar (they can all be seen on my web site www.drdino.com), but from the few letters I have had forwarded to me, it is obvious that my chapel message has caused some of the evolution devotees some heartburn, to say the least. Some of your teachers like Carl Huser and Rosalyn Snellen have accused me of being “very deceptive,” “insulting the campus,” “not presenting serious science” and “presenting science that was flawed” according to your OMNIBUS Feb. 17, 2000 newspaper. Obviously, these unkind comments in my absence merit a response from me.

It is obvious these teachers are defending the currently popular evolution theory. I must confess that I do not understand how anyone who loves God and His Word can come to the conclusion that He would need to use the cruel evolution method to create this world when this is clearly not what the Bible teaches or where the scientific evidence points. The god of the evolutionists who can’t get it right the first time and must use suffering, misfits, trial and error is a retarded god that is not worthy of worship. The God of the Bible made everything perfect on His first try. He did not bring death into the world as His plan of creating. Man brought death into the world. See Romans 5 and I Cor. 15. My God is not only capable of making it right, He is capable of writing a book to tell me in plain language how He did it. Anyone who reads the Ten Commandments will come to the conclusion that God made everything in six days.

    Ex. 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

How could that be made clearer? Did God not understand modern science? Were these ancient people stupid and modern man is smart? Was He talking to idiots who would not be able to comprehend the truth? Do we need modern scoffers to tell us what God meant to say in His Word?

I further cannot understand how some of your faculty can sleep at night knowing they are being paid to teach students truth, yet they present the evolution hypothesis as a fact. In a Christian school no less! Where is the evidence to support the silly idea that dogs, people and trees all came from a rock over the last 4.6 billion years? It grieves me to think that parents sacrifice to send their beloved children to Bible college only to have their faith in the literal obvious interpretation of the Bible destroyed by some professor masquerading as a Bible believing Christian but secretly lying in wait to seduce young men and women with the heresy of evolution.

I hereby issue an open challenge. I will come back to your school to face a panel of any number of evolutionists in a debate or open forum on the creation/evolutionism topic. You may fly in any experts from anywhere in the world, if you like. We will discuss only one topic at a time and each position will be given equal time. Mr. Huser says he has taught evolution for 30 years and wants to teach students the truth. Mrs. Snellen is dean of the science department, I believe. Maybe they would be willing to debate the topic in front of the student body there? I would sure like to see what evidence they have for evolution. Since your school is supposed to be a “Baptist” school (I am a Baptist also) Baptists everywhere should insist those who believe in evolution resign as teachers and get an honest job picking peaches or changing tires and not use God’s money to turn students away from God’s Word.

I am convinced that the Bible is the Word of God and is correct as it is written. Any person of average intelligence can read it and understand it without needing some guru to interpret it for them. Cults get started that way. I also want students taught the truth and I am convinced that evolution is a lie that originated with Satan, and stand prepared to defend the Bible against all others.

Please, call my office to schedule this event.

In Christ,

Dr. Kent Hovind www.drdino.com 850-479-3466

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