Intellectual Property Information NRCS Website USDA Website View the PLANTS Home Page

Intellectual Property Information for PLANTS users
How to Cite the PLANTS Database


Linking to PLANTSLinking to PLANTS

Please feel free to link to the PLANTS database, its individual pages, and its images.



The images in PLANTS are free for scientific and educational uses provided the photographer (if known), copyright holder, institution, and the PLANTS Database are properly credited. Here are two examples of appropriate acknowledgment:

©M. Kat Anderson
Robert Mohlenbrock
USDA, NRCS, 1997 - Northeastern Wetlands Flora @ PLANTS

Some of the images in PLANTS are copyrighted; the rest are in the public domain. If you wish to use them commercially, please contact Lincoln Moore ( for contact information for the photographer. Linking to images requires no permission, and we welcome it.


Plant InformationPlant Information

We would appreciate your courtesy in acknowledging the National Plant Data Center and the PLANTS database when using or reproducing these data, as well as the contributions of the following specialists:


Vascular PlantsVascular Plants

PLANTS’ vascular plant nomenclature, most phytogeography, and core attribute data for the United States and its Caribbean territories are provided under a cooperative agreement with John Kartesz and his staff at the Biota of North America Program (BONAP).

Pacific Basin vascular plant checklists, excluding Hawaii, are being developed by Warren L. Wagner, Department of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, and George Staples, The Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Longterm maintenance of the Pacific Basin checklist is being done by Dr. Wagner. All users of Pacific Basin vascular PLANTS data should acknowledge the contributions made by the Smithsonian and Bishop museums.


Nonvascular PlantsNonvascular Plants


Robert Egan (U. Nebraska at Omaha) and Theodore Esslinger (North Dakota State University) assembled the lichen checklist in PLANTS, which is based upon the North American lichen checklist published periodically in the Bryologist. Roger Rosentreter of the Bureau of Land Management provided some of our lichen common names from an unpublished manuscript.


Marshall Crosby of the Missouri Botanical Garden is currently updating our moss checklist in association with botanists working on bryophytes for the Flora of North America. Lewis Anderson and Molly McMullen of Duke University developed the original list.

Liverworts and hornworts

Ray Stotler and Barbara Crandall-Stotler of Southern Illinois University, Carbondale developed these checklists.


How to Cite the PLANTS DatabaseHow to Cite the PLANTS Database

Please cite the National PLANTS Database as:

USDA, NRCS. 2002. The PLANTS Database, Version 3.5 ( National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.


USDA Non-discrimination PolicyUSDA non-discrimination policy