Sacred Sexual Practices - Part 5


Though Tantra has rarely been mentioned, the information and meditations have been strongly influenced by Tantric and Taoist teachings. There is a new wave of these Eastern psycho-sexual teachings sweeping the West. Only in the last few decades has there has been much published material in English on this subject. The teachings are ancient, and therefore have withstood an incredibly lengthy test of time. However, one must also know that many of the traditions have been lost to antiquity and now remain as either dogma or myth. Essential Tantra is a lifestyle and attitude of unconditional love and a blissfilled, sensually vibrant existence in form. When we life out the totality of the form (our bodies) we are then able to transcend.

In the past, the practices on how to transmute sexual energy into higher states of consciousness have been kept silent, practiced only in esoteric circles. With the condition of the world as it had become, filed with violence, these teachings must be released for all. It is time.

The form in which the sexual Tantric techniques presented here have been Americanized, though the philosophy has remained intact. The ultimate Tantric experience is in being fully present and not bound by the illusion of space and time, at one with the cosmic ocean.

These practices can bring the aspirant closer and closer to this goal. It is important to not get lost in the technique, knowledge or any dogma, but to simply get lost-or melt into the experience of the moment in order to find one's self suddenly Awakened. The experience is a homecoming. Respect the power of this work. It is not to be abused.

There are advanced techniques engaging a partner in a unifying flow of energy. Just as the aspirant channels energy through his or her own body, in lovemaking with another, energy is channeled through the two making one current, bringing both into universal consciousness together.

It should also be noted here that there are several forms of Tantra.

Sexual yoga is referred to as Red Tantra. It is the Tantra we here explore. White Tantra, which can be practiced in the form of Hatha yoga and meditation in the lotus position with breath control and mantra, is a must for the truly aspiring yogi. Tibetan tantra, using mantrum and sound is part of the Buddhist tradition.

You may want to look into Kundalini yoga as well. Continue to build on what you have learned by seeking out new opportunities to engage in the many aspects of the Human Potential Movement and holistic health such as martial arts, Eastern philosophy, psychotherapy, new age techniques, bodywork and brain machines to name a few. Attend some eventss, or better yet, treat yourself to a resort specializing in these areas. Enter cosmic surfing at its best. Om Shanti... -- Swami Nostradamus Virato

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