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Hydraulic Passenger Elevators

Computerized Series with Data Network System and AI-21 Supervisory System
Computerized Hydraulic Elevators - Reliable and Flexible Operation
Our series of hydraulic passenger elevators features the integrated use of microprocessors, the Data Network System and the AI-21 Supervisory System. Passengers' comfort and convenience are improved and building superintendents enjoy wider flexibility.

Data Network System
Strategically placed microprocessor modules connected via a serial transmission line ensure flexible control and enhanced efficiency. Each module is designed for practical thought processing, greatly improving the 'human-elevator interface.' Diagnostic programs are shared throughout the system, and backup systems provide more reliability and passenger safety.

VVVF-Controlled Doors
VVVF inverters control elevator doors with precision. Door movements are more efficient and more sensitive than previous systems.

HomeDesign RoomElevatorsHydraulicIntroduction

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