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Hunter Basics

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zeroth is home to a wide variety of beasts. From the new world of Lordaeron to the old world of Kalimdor, all manner of creatures can be found. Some are friendly, some are ferocious - yet they all have one thing in common. Each creature shares a special connection with Hunters. Hunters track, tame, and slay all manner of animals and beasts found in the wild. Whether they rely on bows or firearms, Hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends.



Can tame and control various beasts

Can travel very fast using Aspect of Cheetah and share it with Aspect of the Pack

Has special abilities vs. beasts

Can use various beast special abilities

Good at chasing monsters or players that run away


Can initially only wear leather armor, making it less able to absorb damage than the Paladin and Warrior

Can't wear plate armor

The Hunter has very few melee abilities, and is more effective at ranged combat


Class Role
The Hunter is a vicious damage dealer. With their ability to pull extremely well and hit monsters hard from far away, they certainly help take down monsters more quickly. Their pets add to the damage count and can aid somewhat in managing monster aggro. The variety of traps allows the Hunter to control crowds to an extent, as well. The combination of their extreme range, decent damage, and trap capability, Hunters are the perfect pullers for any group. We're not telling you how to play the game - one of the fascinating practices of this genre is the ingenuity exercised by the players every day!


    Keeping enemies at range through the use of abilities or pets
    Learning how to tame, train and keep pets effective
Allowable Races: Night Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Tauren, Troll

Standard Bars: Health/Mana

Allowable Equipment: Cloth, Leather, Mail (at level 40, with training)
Allowable Weapons: Axes, Daggers (with training), Guns or Bows, Crossbows (with training), Fist Weapons (with training), Polearms (with training), Staves (with training), Swords (with training), Thrown (with training), Two-Handed Axes (with training), Two-Handed Swords (with training)

Other Information

Hunters track, tame, and slay all manner of animals and beasts found in the wild. Whether they rely on bows or firearms, Hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends.

Hunters are great for pulling monsters as they are able to set traps that hinder monsters that the Hunters pull to attack. Hunters are also able to use various beast-related special abilities, take on bestial traits that allow them to do things that they could not do normally, use a wide variety of ranged attacks complimented by a few melee abilities, and the ability to control and tame beasts.

Hunters are closely related to their pets and must remember to always keep their pet's happiness in mind. When using a pet, Hunters will notice an icon in the top left corner of their screen that depicts their pet's level of happiness. The more Hunters use their pets, the lower their pet's level of happiness will become. Hunters should always remember to feed their pets to raise their pet's level of happiness or worry about their pet abandoning them or even attacking the Hunter! Hunters are also the only class able to name their pets.

Ranged Class
The Hunter is primarily a ranged attacking class. It has melee attacks, but its damage at range far outweighs its melee capabilities.

Great Pulling Class
The Hunter also uses traps, which you lay down ahead of time and draw monsters into. Use of ranged combat, various debuffs, and traps make it a great pulling class in groups.

The Hunter cares about Agility (ranged attack power, 1/2 melee attack power), Stamina, Intelligence (for mana), Spirit, and Strength (when it can't get Agility).

Engineers can create scopes that can be attached to your bows and guns to increase their damage output. Seek out an engineer to create one for you or buy one at the auction house.

Always use the best ammo available. Engineers can make gun ammo so sometimes it will be good to get ammo from them instead of buying it from an NPC merchant.

Quivers & Ammo Bags
These can speed up the firing rate of your bows and guns so it's always best to use them. Search for better bags that make you fire even faster. Some quests can provide you with faster-firing bags.

Pet Name
You can name your pet! Only Hunters can name pets. Right-click on their portrait and pick rename. You can only do this one time.

Pet Happiness/Feeding
Your pet has a happiness rating. This is shown via an icon in the top left corner of the screen. As you continue to use your pet, it becomes less and less happy. However, if you feed your pet it increases its happiness. Happiness determines damage output, so the less happy your pet is, the weaker it gets. If you neglect your pet too much, it abandons you and may even attack you!

Pet Food
Always save food for your pet. You can see what types of food your pet eats by trying various foods, checking in your pet menu (hit C then select the Pet tab), or by checking in the Stable. Beast Lore can be cast on animals to see what types of food they prefer. You can also ask guild members and friends to save food for your pet and mail it to you! Awww how cute...

Pet Size
Pets scale to appropriate sizes. If you tame a pet, it will likely be smaller than the "monster" version. This was done because certain pets were very messy to play/group with at their default sizes.

You can house your pets at the Stables. Stables are located near Inns and Mailboxes. You can buy additional slots to contain more pets. If you want to switch pets and still keep both, do so at the Stables.

Do the Hunter Dance
Hunters are most powerful when in ranged combat. You should always try to attack via range whenever possible. The Hunter is meant to run around during combat. Hunters have a minimum range when using ranged weapons that prevents them from firing their weapon (minimum range error) when the monster is in this area. When this happens, Hunters must back away from the monster in order to fire their ranged weapon again. If the monster starts attacking you, you have several methods available for backing away from it to fire your bow or gun:

Use your Pet's Taunt
Start a battle using your pet and wait a bit before attacking the monster yourself. Once the monster has built up some hate toward your pet, engage it in battle. If the monster starts to attack you instead, use your pet's taunt ability.

Wing Clip & Run
Rush in and attack a monster with a Wing Clip and then switch to Aspect of the Cheetah. Start running away from the monster for a while. Then stop, turn around, and attack. You can also fire a Concussive Arrow to slow the monster down. Will cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.

The Hunter's goal is to stay away from the monster and shoot at it from range. When you team up with other players this becomes more difficult. When the monster decides to attack other party members it will get within your minimum range if you're standing next to the rest of the party. For that reason, it's best to stay away from other party members during combat. That way if the monster attacks them or rushes toward them, you can still continue to fire at range. Also let party members know they should never run toward you because that will also bring the monster within your minimum range. Make it clear to other group members that you're going to be slightly away from them during combat. Another thing to watch out for is other party members pulling the monster. Often it's best to use the Hunter or the Hunter's pet to pull.

Multiple Hunters
If you happen to party with multiple Hunters make sure each of you knows which Sting to use. Each Hunter can have one Sting active at a time. If you have two Hunters, that's two Stings that can be on the monster. Ask your fellow Hunter to cast one Sting while you cast the other. Both Hunters should fight away from each other so if the monster attacks one of them, the other Hunter can still fire from range.

Hunters are great at dealing with monsters that are running away. Monster flight is a major concern because fleeing monsters may call others and bring them into battle. You can simply shoot a fleeing monster or hit it with Concussive Shot to slow it down. You can also Wing Clip it before it retreats to prevent it from running away.

Shooting on the Run
The Hunter can shoot Arcane Shot while running. It can also use Hunter's Mark while on the run. If you have to chase a monster or enemy player as they are running away, keep this in mind.

Pet Abilities

Beast Taming - Lets the hunter tame different pets.
Call Pet - Summons your pet to you.
Beast Training - Lets the Hunter train its pet with various abilities that it has learned. This opens up a menu where you can check out all of the pet abilities you've collected. Collect more pet abilities by taming different pets. You can then teach them to other pets.
Dismiss Pet - Dismisses your pet. Dismissing your pet will reduce its happiness by X.
Revive Pet - Revives your pet, returning it to life with X% of its health.
Mend Pet - Heals your pet for X health every second while you focus. Lasts Y sec. This is a channeling ability so it will cancel if you take damage.
Pet Tips
  • If your pet is about to become very mad and you don't have food for him, put him in the stable until he cools off.
  • You can tame many special/cool animals out there. Go find them!
  • Pet Training
    You can take the abilities you have learned from some pets and train them to other pets. The idea is that you have a main pet and other pets you use to gain abilities. You teach these new abilities to your main pet until you have what you want. Currently the only abilities to train are "Growl" but more abilities will be added later.
    Tracking is only available to Hunters; they may train in it at Hunter class trainers. You can train in Track Beasts, Humanoids, Undead, Hidden, Elementals, Demons, Giants, and Dragonkin at different levels.

    Dual Wield (Passive Ability) - Allows one-hand and off-hand weapons to be equipped in the off-hand. Train in this once it's available.

    Aspects are special animal related buffs that allow the Hunter to receive special bonuses from its animal friends. You can only have one aspect active at a time similar to Paladin seals.

    Aspects need to be changed depending on the situation. You can only have one active at a time and you need to have the "best" one active. For example, you can start off with Aspect of the Hawk while you're attacking from range. If the monster rushes up to you, switch to Aspect of the Monkey and engage in melee combat. You can also do a Wing Clip then run after switching to Aspect of the Cheetah to get away. Aspects of Cheetah/Pack are canceled when mounted.

    Aspect of the Monkey - The Hunter takes on the aspects of a monkey, increasing the chance to dodge by X%. This is recommended when you're pulling or taking damage in certain situations.
    Aspect of the Cheetah - The Hunter takes on the aspects of a cheetah, increasing movement speed by X%. If the Hunter takes damage, they will be dazed for Y sec. Only one Aspect can be active at a time. This can be used to travel or to back away from monsters so you can use your ranged weapon.
    Aspect of the Pack - The Hunter and its group take on the aspects of a pack of cheetahs, increasing movement speed by X%. If a pack member takes damage, they will be dazed for Y sec. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
    Aspect of the Beast - The Hunter takes on the aspects of a beast becoming untrackable.
    Aspect of the Wild - The hunter and his group take on the aspect of the wild, increasing Nature resistance by X. Only one aspect can be active at a time.
    Beast Spells
    Scare Beast - Scares a beast, causing it to run in fear for up to X sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect. Only one beast can be scared at a time. Beasts have an increasing chance to break free of the effect, such that it is unlikely the effect will last more than 15 seconds.
    Eagle Eye - Zooms in the Hunter's vision. Use this to scout, which is especially useful when pulling. This can only be used outdoors.
    Beast Lore - Gather information about the target beast. The tooltip will display damage, health, armor, any special resistances, and diet. Beast Lore will display whether a beast is tameable or not.
    It's best to put the buttons for these abilities together so they are ready to use if you're forced to fight in melee combat.
    Raptor Strike - A strong attack that increases melee damage by X.
    Wing Clip - Inflicts X damage and reduces the target's movement speed to Y% of normal for Z sec. Use this ability to strike the monster, then back away so you can fire at it from range. You can also use this to run away from a monster.
    Mongoose Bite - Counter-attack the enemy for X damage. Can only be performed after you dodge.
    Counterattack - A strike that becomes active after parrying an opponent's attack. This attack deals X damage and immobilizes the target for X sec. Counterattack cannot be blocked, dodged, or parried. Will cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.
    Lacerate - Wounds the target causing them to bleed for X damage over Y sec.
    Feign Death - Feign death, which may trick enemies into ignoring you. Lasts X min, but resurrection penalties are applied when the effect ends. This ability should be used to avoid death.
    Another option is to also use the Hunter's Disengage ability once it's available. When the monster starts focusing on you rather than your pet, use Disengage to shift its attention to your pet. Disengage will cause the Hunter's target to immediately check for a new target.
    Auto Shot - Automatically shoots the target until cancelled. Activate this ability when you simply want to fire your weapon at the enemy.
    Serpent Sting - Stings the target, causing X Nature damage over Y sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target. This should be used if you intend on fighting the monster for at least Y sec. Otherwise, it doesn't do its full damage. You can also place this on other monsters you may be fighting at once, but the monsters may start focusing on you.
    Viper Sting - Stings the target, draining X mana over Y sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target. This sting should be used against casters with mana. PvP: This spell cannot be used on Warrior and Rogue targets. In addition, while it can be used on a Druid target at any time it will only drain mana when the Druid is in caster form. Viper sting will not drain mana from Druids while they are shapeshifted.
    Arcane Shot - An instant shot that causes X Arcane damage.
    Scorpid Sting - Stings the target, reducing Strength and Agility by X for Y sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.
    Volley - Continuously fires a volley of ammo at the target area, causing X Arcane damage to enemy targets within Y yards every second for Z sec. This ability is useful against multiple targets.
    Multi-Shot - Fires several missiles, hitting 3 targets for an additional X damage. This ability should be used against multiple targets.
    Concussive Shot - Dazes the target, slowing movement speed to X% of normal for Y sec.
    Distracting Shot - Distract the target, causing threat.
    Aimed Shot - An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by X
    Hunter's Mark - Places the Hunter's Mark on the target, increasing the Ranged Attack Power of all attackers against that target by X. In addition, the target of this ability can always be seen by the Hunter, even if it stealths or turns invisible. The target also appears on the mini-map. Lasts for Y min. This is very useful for pointing out which target the group should attack. It's also useful in Player vs. Player fights. =] This ability dispels itself if the Hunter dies.
    Flare - Exposes all hidden and invisible enemies within X yards of the targeted area for Y sec.
    Rapid Fire - Decreases the shot time by X% for Y sec. Make sure you quickly start shooting after enabling this ability so you can take full advantage of it.
    Place a trap and lead a monster back into it to set it off. This becomes easier with your ranged weapon (gun or bow). There are several different types of traps. Traps can only be placed when out of combat. Only one trap can be active at a time.
    Immolation Trap - Place a fire trap that will burn the first enemy to approach for X fire damage over Y sec. Trap will exist for Z min.
    Frost Trap - Place a frost trap that creates an ice slick around itself when the first enemy approaches it. All enemies within X yards will be slowed to Y% of their normal movement speed. Trap will exist for Z min.
    Explosive Trap - Place a fire trap that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing X to Y Fire damage and burning all enemies for Z additional fire damage over A sec to all within B yards. Trap will exist for C min.
    • If you are attacked by a player when you're not ready to fight them, you can shoot them with Scattershot, then turn on Aspect of Cheetah to run away. Make sure your pet is on passive or set to follow so that it won't interrupt the Scattershot. After you're backed away, you can tell your pet to attack. This will give you a better set-up for beginning the battle. You can also do this against monsters if an extra monster attacks.
    Additional Information
    • There is an epic Hunter quest series in the game.
    Profession Options
    You can pick whatever you want. You might find these more tailored to the Hunter:
    Skinning and Leatherworking - The Hunter can create leather armor for itself or to sell to others
    Enchanting - The Hunter can enchant its equipment to make itself more powerful
    Herbalism and Alchemy - The Hunter can create buff potions or healing potions
    Fishing and Cooking - The Hunter can feed himself and his pet
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