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Sex Secrets, Sex Positions and
Tantric Traditions

Tantra is an ancient way of looking at the world. In the Tantric view, all life and every aspect of creation including sexuality is celebrated and held as sacred.

The Tantric traditions of ancient India and other cultures viewed sexual energy as the source of life itself and as one of the most powerful forces available to us as human beings. Sexual ecstasy was seen as a taste of the divine. In these sex positive cultures, sophisticated lovemaking skills were developed and taught as a science and as an art. Since we have repressed sexual energy for so long in the West, we are only now beginning to rediscover this precise and highly developed science.

By extending and expanding the peak of sexual ecstasy, erotic explorers of the past found that the act of love could become a natural vehicle for exploring altered states as well as for deepening intimacy between two loving partners.

Many of us have been fortunate enough to experience moments in love where all boundaries dissolve and we become one with our beloved and all of existence. Unfortunately these experiences are usually very short lived. Sex in Tantra aims to heighten and prolong the magical connection that develops between a man and a woman when they are lost in the ecstasy of love. We have not been trained in the skills required to expand that fleeting moment into a sustainable state. As we are now finding out, there are specific techniques that have been developed for achieving and controlling these states. After being suppressed for nearly a thousand years these methods are now being rediscovered and made available in the form of books, videos and workshops.

The vision of TANTRA.COM is to facilitate access to these wonderful tools of peace, power and transformation for as many people as are ready to use them. It is our firm belief that the development of advanced love skills is one of the most appropriate areas for human exploration as we move into the uncertainties of the next millennium. Love does not destroy our environment the way so many other forms of gratification do and it certainly doesn't lead to aggression and war. In an age of divorce and sexually transmitted diseases we need nothing more than to form stronger and more lasting bonds of love. Tantra lights the way.

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The Art of Sexual Ecstasy

This elegant, landmark book on human sexuality makes the sacred lovemaking techniques of the East fully understandable to Western readers. Illustrated

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga combines breathing, movement, meditation, stretching, & relaxation in a complete program to help relieve stress & improve Tantric focus