Board   E4EC
Discussion about club or correspondence chess related things

On April 19. 2004 forums started. Club members can talk each other here about club or correspondence chess related things.

There is an open forum, where visitors can send messages without registration or logging in.

Please follow this link to open a new browser window to the forums.

A short manual for the forums:
  • The discussion flows in different forums, each dedicated to an area, such as club related things, or CC related things, etc. You can open each forum by clicking on their names. You'll get a list of the topics of that forum.
  • There are different topics that players have started to talk about a specific thing inside that area (that forum). Somebody posted a question, or wrote his/her opinion as a new topic, others can read and reply to it. Clicking on a topic you'll get a list of the posts the players have written in that topic.
  • Players need to register to reach all the forums. Most forums are open for the public for reading only, registered players can write also. With registration you can customize your settings, can send and receive private messages, and you can have many great things not available for visitors. Use the nickname here also that you've chosen in the club.
  • Players can start new topics anytime, and can reply to messages in any topics. Forum administrators can start new forums, according to players' requests, or other needs.
  • Moderators take care of the cleanness of the forums, abusive, rude, and agressive posts are removed.
  • Forums are available in more languages. They can be reached from the other language variant of this page.
  • Please use English only on the English forums.
  • That's all, these are the most important things. We hope it's interesting to meet the players, your future and past opponents here also.

PGN Format

The PGN format is a standard way to describe a chess game.
It contains players' data such as names, ratings, country codes, the date, and site of the game, and contains the moves also that have been taken in the game, and the result of the game also.
The game can be in progress too, in this case its result is "*", later it usually changes to "1-0", "0-1" or "1/2-1/2".
Please find the detailed description of the PGN format here.
The server understands the PGN format, it can send and receive moves in this format.

Many softwares use this format to exchange games, those too which are used by correspondence chess players to play their games, such as ECTool, or Mailchess (more on the Links page).
Max wrote this notice on Jan 15, 2006:

Thank you for a hassle-free experience and for great (I mean strong !!) opponents.

paya0411 wrote this notice on Mar 01, 2005:

Probably your e-mail software doesn't support JavaScript. Try to shut it up (Set JavaScript Off). Try to answer the moves by using the reply function of your e-mail software simply.

LordMeren wrote this notice on Feb 25, 2005:

How do you send moves back and forth. I get the email showing the board and when I type in the move I want to send and click the send button, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?

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