'Our aim is to provide a law society that is a forum for all…'

CUSWL - the Cambridge Society for Women Lawyers - is designed for all those interested in legal matters.  We organise workshops to help you all perfect necessary skills, provide opportunities to meet representatives from the bar and major city firms, as well as opportunities to enjoy purely social occasions!

What are the aims of CUSWL?

Our aim is to provide a law society that is a forum for all - law students and non-law students, who want the chance to make their voices heard in the changing legal profession.  We are a fairly new society - established in 1977 - and hope as a result to be friendly, approachable, and above all useful to anyone looking for guidance in the (sometimes) intimidating world of law!  Please make use of our website to find out more about us and our forthcoming events.  We hope to meet you very soon.

Who can join CUSWL?
Members of the society need not wish to pursue Law as a career or even be studying it at university.  We have a small number of male members who enjoy the more relaxed environment.

Why should I become  a member of CUSWL?

All events are open to members and non-members alike, but members will be given preference where numbers are limited, and will always receive a discount where an admission fee is charged.  Members also receive regular Emails detailing forthcoming Society events and a membership card.  Joining CUSWL also entitles you to run for a place on the committee.


To contact us:

Please send all correspondence to the relevant committee member.  Contact information can be found on the 'committee and contacts' page.

Site maintained by Alison Clayworth.
Comments & suggestions to amc68@cam.ac.uk.
Last updated 3rd November 2002