Welcome to the Cambridge University Gray's Inn Association.

South Square in Gray's Inn

The Cambridge University Gray's Inn Association was established to act as a conduit between Cambridge University and The Honourable Society of Gray's Inn, London. Gray's Inn is one of the four Inns of Court who have the exclusive right to Call men and women to the Bar. The aim is to help members of Cambridge University who are interested in becoming a Barrister and joining the Inn.

This is an unique opportunity during your time at Cambridge University to establish invaluable contacts with some of the most distinguished members of the legal profession. Fully endorsed by the Inn, we welcome regular visits by both junior and senior members of the Inn to give you a sense of life as a practicing Barrister.

The highlight of the year for our society is undoubtedly the Annual Dinner; A highly lavish affair where one can indulge on fine food, wine and stimulating conversation. It is held in alternate years at Gray's Inn and Trinity College, Cambridge.

Join us in order to benefit from the expertise and advise of Inn members on how best to prepare for a professional career as a Barrister.

The 2005 Annual Dinner has now taken place. It proved to be a wonderful and highly enjoyable occasion. Photos from the trip may be viewed here.