Kyu Grading Requirements at Tsurugi Bashi

University of Cambridge Kendo Society

New rules from Michaelmas 2003

Tsurugi Bashi aims to hold 4 grading sessions per year: one for each academic term and one in the long vacation. Dates are not fixed and will be decided by the committee on an ad hoc basis, with the intention of having senior yudansha in Cambridge to oversee the examinations whenever possible.

People with no prior kendo experience are taken in as 6th kyu ("white belt" in other martial arts) when they join Tsurugi Bashi. The grades awarded by this dojo are from 5th kyu to 2nd kyu inclusive. Higher grades are not awarded locally: you will have to attend a BKA examination session.

Tsurugi Bashi requires the candidate to attend a minimum of 15 practice sessions between gradings. An attendance record is kept by the secretary for this purpose. Ensure that your name is recorded every time you attend.

The following list gives the detailed requirements for each kyu. The candidate for a given grade must fulfill all the requirements for that grade and all the ones before it, although not all of them will necessarily be tested on the day. The particular selection of points to be tested is at the discretion of the examiners, may vary from exam to exam and from candidate to candidate, and will not be communicated in advance. In other words, be ready for everything up to your chosen grade.

There is no charge to attempt the examination, so long as the candidate paid the standard term fee.

Kendoka shall obtain their own shinai as soon as possible. Wearing hakama and kendogi is allowed as soon as desired, but it is not compulsory before 5-kyu.

5-kyu exam: (after this, the kendoka shall wear hakama and kendogi, and have own bokuto)
4-kyu exam: (after this, the kendoka may and shall wear armour)
3-kyu exam:
2-kyu exam:

This page was last updated on 2004-06-27 by Frank Stajano

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