
StarForums/Plus Features

Enhancement Features for StarForums/Plus Members -- what can you get for only $5 a month!
Join StarForums/Plus now!

  • Enhancements as More Spaces
    The StarForums/Plus provides you larger resource space than free boardkeeprs have here:
    1. Subboards - from 4 to 15.
    2. Messages - from 500 to 2,000.
    3. Bullets and Remarks - bullets from 6 to 12, remarks from 4 to 8.
    4. Inventory - from 50 entries to 100 entries, and 200 KB space to 500 KB space.
    5. IP/message Blockage - from 50 entries to 100 entries.
    6. Polling Booth - from 5 questions to unlimited.

  • Board Archives
    A specially designed subboard called ":archives" can keep as many messages as you want, it is to help you preserve the old messages from other subboards.

  • Multi-page Board
    This feature enables the board to be shown in a multi-page manner, that is, you can define how many messages should be listed in one page, and if there are more messages than the page size, a page index is shown on top of your first page, each "pointer" in it will lead to a page in your board. This feature helps a lot for those with large message boards (now that you have 2,000 messages) and don't want to keep visitors waiting for the whole board to download.

    The best part of this feature is that the page index is configurable so that you can design your own style of indexing!

  • Multi-design Board
    The Stack Manager system provides you an easy way to use up to 20 different designs in your board and to switch between them instantly. One good possible example of using this feature is that you can design the board for different holidays, and switch back to the normal design when the holiday is over.

  • Password Protection
    You can keep a list of up to 150 passwords to provide your special group of "boardmembers" to share the information on your board in a controllable way. There are three modes available in password protection:
    1. Only boardmembers with valid passwords can access to your board;
    2. Only boardmembers with valid passwords can post on your board;
    3. Do not check for boardmember passwords.
    For mode #1, you can choose to accept "requests to join" from the log-in page, or reject such kind of requests at all.

  • Censorship before Posting
    You can enable this mode so that all the incoming messages will be reviewed by you the boardkeeper first, before the messages actually get posted on the board. There are three modes available:
    1. Check all incoming messages;
    2. Check only those which are not from your boardmembers;
    3. Do not check at all.

  • Censorship by Wording
    You can control a list of words to be censored from your board. The censorship is dynamically done on the message showing time, which means you can add more words to be censored even after the messages are posted. You can also control the ways how the word-matching should be (whole-word, begin-of-word, end-of-word, or any place). This gives you a very detailed sifting tool. What is even better, there is NO LIMIT on how many words you want the list to hold. The stalkers simply have no way to insult your board!

  • Visitors' IP Records
    The system keeps tracks of all the visitors for you. The records are sorted by date, partitioned by subboards (if you have some), and show you the time / IP / hostname / the title being visited.

  • Quote of the Day
    You can write a series of 7 different messages and each of them will be shown on your board / message pages in turns, from Sunday to Saturday. This gives your forum a dynamicially changing look-and-feel to reflex your activities in the week, to make a less boring board, or simply to make it look cool.

  • Emoticon conversion
    Your guests can just simply type emoticons like :-) and StarForums/Plus will "translate" it to a smiley face, provided that you assigned the image of smiley to this emoticon. There can be up to 80 emoticons defined by you.

  • File Inclusion and Conditional Inclusion
    You can upload text files to your inventory and place special inclusion commands to include them into your board. This provides you an easy way to organize the "components" of your board and ease the burden of using Layout Designer. To make it even more powerful, there is also a way to write conditional inclusion, so that only specific file is included for specific subboards (the divisions of your forum), thus you have a way to control the different header / footer messages and layout on your different boards.

  • No commercials but your own commercials
    Although there is a future plan to place commercial banners on all member utilities and member boards / message pages, your Plus board is immune from the system inserted commercial banners. What is even better, you have the right to place your own commercial banners on your own Plus board (in the header and / or footer areas), to share commercial information on your Plus board, or any commercial activities -- provided that there is no scams or schemes involved, no illegal activities introduced, and no sex- / pornography-related messages or images in them.

Please also read our Privacy Statement.

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