Toggling Category Warp


[!] You must turn your browser's JavaScript on before you can use any of the utilities in this page. The system is using JavaScript functions to change the cookie settings for keeping your category warping preference.

Turn OFF The Category Warp

Doing so can save you about 18.5 KB for each category page or roughly 40% of it (as of Dec 31, 1998). This means your browser can load each category page 40% faster, at the cost of no warping capability -- you will need to follow down the links in catergory list until you find the one you want.

If this is what you want, press

Turn ON The Category Warp

This can enable a pull-down menu called "category warp" which lists all the current categories in one place, with which you can jump to any category in the system in just one click. The trade-off you pay for this is that the code for this category warp adds about 18.5 KB to each of the category page (as of Dec 31, 1998), nearly doubling the size, so be prepared with slower loading time for each page.

If this is what you want, press
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