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+ ardyWiz1
Ardy - gold and maroon stars on black
+ ardyWiz10
Ardy - celtic sash on black
+ ardyWiz11
Ardy - drama and masquerade on white
+ ardyWiz12
Ardy - green vines on grey soil
+ ardyWiz13
Ardy - Cupid and presents
+ ardyWiz14
Ardy - Golden knight on horseback
+ ardyWiz2
Ardy - Christmas ornaments on white
+ ardyWiz3
Ardy - tapestry on light khaki
+ ardyWiz4
Ardy - red heart of Valentine's Day on black
+ ardyWiz5
Ardy - 4th of July on white
+ ardyWiz6
Ardy - red blutterfly on grassy green
+ ardyWiz7
Ardy - blue boats and windmills on white
+ ardyWiz8
Ardy - blue board with animation
+ ardyWiz9
Ardy - black and white cooking board
+ catWiz (Chinese:traditional/BIG5)
巨星X檔案 電影快報 - 一個美麗動感巨星:凱瑟琳吉塔瓊斯(Catherine Zeta-Jones)的影迷天地
+ kodeWiz1
Kodekracker - slate-grey emboss tiles
+ kodeWiz2
Kodekracker - germ-like slate-grey background
+ kodeWiz3
Kodekracker - dragons on cement white
+ lindaWiz1
Linda Potts - heartshape flora on white
+ lindaWiz2
Linda Potts - basketball on white
+ lindaWiz3
Linda Potts - wave-like metals
+ lindaWiz4
Linda Potts - floral tapestry
+ lindaWiz5
Linda Potts - stylized rock and microscopic creatures on white
+ lindaWiz6
Linda Potts - life on the beach
+ lindaWiz7
Linda Potts - stoney board
+ sarahWiz1
Sarah - web and pebbles on light background
+ vikkiWiz1
Vikki Dawson - teddy bear on white
+ vikkiWiz10
Vikki Dawson - flora on pinkish grey
+ vikkiWiz11
Vikki Dawson - autos on grey wall
+ vikkiWiz12
Vikki Dawson - golf sport on green
+ vikkiWiz13
Vikki Dawson - flower-woven curtain on sandy white
+ vikkiWiz14
Vikki Dawson - birds and nest on pale violet
+ vikkiWiz15
Vikki Dawson - piano and music on white
+ vikkiWiz16
Vikki Dawson - golden and green dragon on black
+ vikkiWiz17
Vikki Dawson - grey metalic texture
+ vikkiWiz18
Vikki Dawson - chocolate on cream
+ vikkiWiz19
Vikki Dawson - azure border on light blue chrysanthemum
+ vikkiWiz2
Vikki Dawson - Santa and Snowman on light green
+ vikkiWiz20
Vikki Dawson - green magnet on white
+ vikkiWiz3
Vikki Dawson - tropical fishes on ocean blue
+ vikkiWiz4
Vikki Dawson - golden panda on black
+ vikkiWiz5
Vikki Dawson - flora on light pink
+ vikkiWiz6
Vikki Dawson - flora and elves on cement white
+ vikkiWiz7
Vikki Dawson - golden horses on black
+ vikkiWiz8
Vikki Dawson - computers on white
+ vikkiWiz9
Vikki Dawson - fishing sport on dark green
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