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Hello and Welcome!

The purpose of this website is to simplify finding a registered breeder's website. Here you will find cat and kitten breeders and photographs of cats and kittens from many different countries. Any responsible breeder who has a registered cattery and an active website is welcome to apply to join the list.

Cats shows are unmatched and wonderful opportunities to see a variety of breeds and meet their breeders. Unfortunately, cat shows can't be scheduled to be available at all times. Here you will find a virtual cat show of cat and kitten breeders and photographs of cats and kittens and it's always open! Visit the Gallery of Cats and Kittens and you have a chance to see the websites of cat and kitten breeders and photographs of cats and kittens, click on the cattery name beneath the photo and visit the cattery!

With almost 3,000 cat breeders listed there are thousands of pictures for you to see. Many sites contain useful and interesting links about cat breeders, cats and kittens. These links cover a variety of information and are an important source of knowledge. If you're looking for medical information or an unusual name for your cat, you'll find it in these links.

The pages have been designed as simply as possible to keep your downloading time to a minimum. This ensures faster surfing for you. While this site was being created, many different designs, frames, dropdowns, etc. were considered and simplicity always won. So you should find it easy to get around this site no matter how old or new your operating system is. Also, there is a search engine and it's great for searching by location.

My thanks to everyone who has taken the time to help create this site!

Absolutely Cats accepts responsible cat breeders who have registered catteries in good faith and assumes that cat breeders want to offer only high quality, healthy cats and kittens. Absolutely Cats assumes no responsibility for any unethical dealings and you may wish to contact several cat breeders before purchasing a kitten or cat.

Please remember that the material and photographs on these pages are protected by copyright law.
