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home > News > Movies > The Movies Walkthrough Movie
By at 15:30 on November the 4th, 2005
5:08 of in-game footage
Activision has released a new movie for The Movies, featuring a walkthrough of this upcoming sim-tycoon title in the works at Lionhead Studios. The Movies is a life simulation game that lets players build and control their own Hollywood motion picture studio. Players create unique mini-trailer-style movies choosing everything from script selection and the hiring of cast and crew, to film production and premieres. Gamers build their entertainment empire by making hit movies, researching and introducing the newest cinematographic technologies and nurturing the biggest stars. The Movies will be published by Activision on PC, PS2, Xbox and GameCube on November 8th. Click here to find the system requirements of the game.

The Movies Walkthrough Movie (40.1MB - 2,323 downloads)


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