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Condemned: Criminal Origins

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Condemned: Criminal Origins

Condemned is a next-gen survival horror game from Sega that bears resemblance to Silence of the Lambs. Players will take the role of Ethan Thomas, an FBI agent in the Serial Crimes Unit, a team of G-men dedicated to tracking down serial killers.

HP Review
by Jeb Haught

Being condemned isn't so bad…

  • Graphics: 9.5/10
  • Sound: 9/10
  • Gameplay: 8/10
  • Replay Value: 7/10
  • Overall: 8/10

The Short Bark:

A visceral presentation in sight, sound, and feel make Condemned one of the most technically and atmospherically impressive Xbox 360 titles yet. With disturbingly brutal combat, this game strikes a great balance between mystery and action. The only detractions lie in a somewhat repetitive level design and a lack of variety in the over all action. Still, Condemned is an experience worth taking - if you can stomach its' primeval nature.

The Full Bite:

Attention CSI fans, Sega has created a challenging game where you investigate a series of murders using forensic tools to gather evidence. You won't encounter any pristine Hollywood crime scenes though - instead you'll be exploring dilapidated buildings and battling their demented inhabitants. And thanks to the unbelievable graphics in this title, every area has an eerie, somewhat scary feel to it (similar to the disturbing movie Seven).

As a member of a Serial Crimes Unit named Ethan Thomas, you must investigate a string of serial killings and figure out why the dregs of society are mysteriously rising up and attacking innocent people. In the process of collecting evidence at one crime scene, you are knocked unconscious; your gun is stolen and then used to kill two fellow police officers - an unforgivable crime for which you are accused. Now you must clear your name in addition to solving the aforementioned mysteries.

Only one person is still on your side, a fellow forensic scientist who keeps in contact with you via cell phone. When evidence is collected, it is transferred to this person for analysis, who then divulges pertinent information.

Gathering evidence is extremely simple in Condemned, perhaps too simple. When agent Thomas enters an area where there is evidence to be collected, his 'instincts' automatically alert the player. It is then up to the player to locate the evidence using a variety of detection tools like a UV light (to detect traces of blood), a Laser light (to spot various invisible pieces of evidence), and a Gas Spectrometer (to monitor foreign substances in the air). After the evidence is located, it must be collected using another set of tools including a 3D scanner, a digital camera, and a sampler (which evaluates the chemical makeup of an item). During both the detection and collection phases, the appropriate tool will automatically pop up to be used, which unfortunately eliminates most of the guesswork involved. Still, gathering evidence adds another layer to the game to keep it from becoming just another brawler.

The combat in this title is gritty and realistic. Only a few firearms, like pistols and shotguns, are available for self-defense. The ammunition for these weapons is limited to the remaining rounds in the chamber when they are found, so there is no 'spray and pray' method here. This leaves the hand-to-hand combat as the star of the game.

Brutal melee weapons, ranging from a 2x4 with nails sticking out of it, to metal conduit, to lead pipes, can be found lying around or can be ripped out of the environment. In addition, there are some weapons that must be used to progress, such as breaking down a door with an axe or popping open drawers with a crowbar. Every hand weapon sports different stats, like swing speed and power, so there advantages to using certain weapons in certain situations.

I really enjoy the melee combat, as it is unpredictable and realistic. Enemies will run at you swinging blindly, hide in the shadows to surprise you, gang up with others to overpower you, or run in fear. Their attacks are as devastating as your own, so proper use of the block button is essential. It isn't as easy as it sounds either because blocking requires accurate timing since you cannot just hold the button for a constant block. To make things more difficult, some enemies will even use a 'fake swing' move to throw you off guard. I also find it very amusing that enemies yell realistic statements like the classic "F**k you pig!"

When it comes to visuals Condemned: Criminal Origins is the most impressive Xbox 360 game to date. I cannot stress how realistic the backgrounds appear, with subtle imperfections in the walls, broken partitions with wood and wires sticking out, and real time lighting effects. Most of the game will be played while using a flashlight, and the effects used for this add a rational sense of dread since you cannot see what is around you. Nearly all objects within the environments can be interacted with so the world isn't filled with static items. While this doesn't sound groundbreaking, it does help immerse the player into the vivid world of Condemned. Also, rag doll physics make enemies slump to the ground in an authentic manner, which is always a welcome addition.

This title also features excellent sound effects that are actually needed in combat. You can hear enemies breathing heavily and then determine their location using surround sound. The combat sounds are very believable and help to add a frantic sense of dread. There is hardly any background music, as the ambient sounds are enough to scare you out of your socks.

On the downside, the level design and combat do get a bit repetitive after several hours of game play. Most players will begin to see the same types of patterns used in each building and wish for some variety. And while the combat is fun and challenging, it seems like everything is available at the beginning, so there are no new moves or weapons to look forward to.

Still, Condemned: Criminal Origins is a unique title that is sure to make a welcome addition to your newfound Xbox 360 collection.

ESRB Average Review Score


Official Site

Developer: Monolith

Publisher: Sega

Players: 1

Release Date: November 22, 2005

Genre: Action

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Condemned: Criminal Origins - Trailer 8 MB  
Condemned: Criminal Origins - Trailer 2 18 MB  

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