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The Warriors

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The Warriors

Warriors... come out and play. Yes, the classic gang survival movie is coming under your control this fall.

HP Review
by Shawn Deena

A surprisingly good brawler

  • Graphics: 7/10
  • Sound: 9/10
  • Gameplay: 8/10
  • Replay Value: 8/10
  • Overall: 8/10

The Short Bark:

What do you get when you make a game from a movie that younger gamers have never seen (It is rated M after all)? A fun beat 'em up that lives on with or without the film, featuring extra modes and unlockables. Rockstar has this formula down well by now and applies it with great results.

The Full Bite:

Most of the movie, The Warriors, takes place at night in side streets, alleys and subways of NYC which made it a genuinely creepy film, and Rockstar has done a great job capturing this essence. Unfortunately the graphics are not a standout feature which is disappointing because the late 70's urban sprawl of New York City deserves better treatment, as do the character animations. Sure it's night-time and everything is kind of dark anyway but that's no excuse for the poor looking, clunky character design. Add to that an aggravating camera design that is disorienting at times when you need it to be steady. Thankfully this issue does not overcome the entire game.

The major difference in the game from the movie is that it rewinds about three months to before it all "went down" going into the back stories of each member of the Warriors. This is a clever idea and it gives credit to the strong story and writing used for the game. Speaking of the dialogue, Rockstar was able to garner some of the original actors of the film to do voice work; spouting lines their younger selves did back in the day. Profanity abounds, but it ties into the subject matter and the gritty, raw feeling of the game. Combine the voice work with the ambient sounds of the city, the musical score, and the fighting effects, and you have sound that outshines the graphics 10 times over.

As you delve into the character stories, you encounter a variety of missions ranging from thieving and general mayhem, to all out street rumbles between you and whatever gang or police come your way. You'll use different gang members for various missions which vests you in the characters as some of them will not make the trip home. Don't forget you're crossing just about every gang-turf so don't expect a ticker-tape parade when you show up on say, The Furies' sidewalk. Destructible environments add some extra fun to the fighting as you can toss foes through fences and windows, smash car windows to steal, and wreak havoc on stores and establishments.

The Warriors is clearly a brawler through and through so you'll be doing a whole lotta fighting. In addition to the variety of combo moves you learn as you get "schooled" at the start of the game, you'll get some help from your gang mates. The co-op mode lets a buddy join you at any point but it's basically two of you fighting. If one of you decides to stray too far, the camera will actually split until you're back together which makes for a more enjoyable co-op game. Every Warrior has about the same moves and strength, with variety in some of the attacks. Taking a page out of the traditional brawler and "Street" rumble rules, you'll be using your fists or objects you find, but never a gun (don't expect everyone else to play fair though).

You'll also get to command your fellow gang members on missions to do anything from wreaking havoc to attacking anybody who's after you. A simple click of the thumbstick allows you control of these commands. While this is a fighting game, you will occasionally have to run for your life or hide until the coast is clear. This stealth option plays pretty nicely and it does offer an occasional break from the all out street fighting. The stealth attacks are in no way as slick as say, Splinter Cell, but thankfully they're not crucial to your success. You'll also get a break when doing missions involving stealing car radios, acting as a collection agent for other gangs or general looting. Another plus is that the save points will keep you from having to go through entire missions repeatedly.

What's a Rockstar title without minigames? The Warriors serves up a rumble mode, a king of the hill mode, a new twist on capture the flag (if the flag was a girl) and a tip of the hat to Double Dragon with a minigame called Armies of the Night where you side-scroll your way through some wicked fun fighting. If you have no idea what Double Dragon is then you're probably too young to be playing this game anyway. This game is rated M, so definitely keep in mind it's created for mature gamers. That being said The Warriors as a video game has done something most movie videogames don't do - create a solid, enjoyable beat 'em up game not contingent on the player seeing the film.

The Movie Plot for Reference (you can rent it later, and if you play this game you'll want to):

It's a safe bet that the average gamer 18-30-year old gamer in 2005 has not seen the 1979 cult Classic, The Warriors, about gang-life in New York in the 70s. Here's the story … A Coney Island gang, The Warriors, is accused of killing a big time rival gang boss, Cyrus, and spend the entire film running from the cops and every other gang in New York. Unfortunately for them, Cyrus was assassinated at a large gang gathering where he was proposing that all the gangs get together and take over the Big Apple. "Can you count suckas?" So now, of course, all the gangs are out for blood.

Unfairly blamed for the shooting, The Warriors attempt to make it back to their home turf, fending off rival gangs of all types and the police in the process. Enter the melting pot/kooky stereotypes of gangs - bat wielding clowns, angry switchblade women, wise guy ruffians, whacked out pimps, and every other archetype you could think of.


ESRB Average Review Score


Developer: Rockstar Games

Publisher: Rockstar Games

Players: 1-2

Release Date: October 17, 2005

Genre: Action

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The Warriors Demos, Movies & Files
The Warriors - Trailer 1 4.4 MB  
The Warriors - Developer Interview 14 MB  
The Warriors - Trailer 2 5 MB  
The Warriors - Fighting 5 MB  
The Warriors - Gang Fights 5 MB  
The Warriors - All City Movie   
The Warriors - Rembrandt Movie 1 3 MB  
The Warriors - Rembrandt Movie 2 3 MB  
The Warriors - Trailer 3 6 MB  

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