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Personal: Tim at a glance

Full-name: Timothy Edwin Richardson. Living in Eindhoven, NL. Working for Philips Lighting. Nationality: Australian

Places I have lived (creeping north)


In June 2001, Tris and I moved to the Netherlands, after being in Asia for five years (for me).

Lived in Singapore from June 1999-June 2001.

Between February 1996 and June 1999, I lived in Jakarta. For the three year's prior to that I lived in Sydney, and from 1987 until 1992 I lived in Melbourne. I grew up in the small town of Mansfield in Victoria, Australia. There are small towns and small towns, depending on your continent. Mansfield is a town of around 2000 people, and the nearest town any bigger is Benalla, 60 kilometres away. Benalla is a regional giant of 8000 people.

Skipping about fifteen years, I was married on Feb 28,1999 to Tris. See my Pictures link for photos.

In between I lived in Melbourne for seven years (where I did two and a half degrees from the University of Melbourne, edited the University student newspaper Farrago, and otherwise had a great time), then in Sydney for three years, which made me a fan of this city for life (a wonderful city; nothing I've seen compares).

Writing and opinion

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Hobbies and Miscellany

Goodness knows why anyone would be interested, but I usually read these things on other websites ...

Computer things: I love computers and computational devices. This goes back a long way. For all the faults of my poor High School when I attended, some member of staff got their hands on an Apple II computer. Just one, for the whole school. This was 1981, my first year at High School. It was kept in a small room next to the staff room. I don't know how I was introduced to it; maybe because Shane Green, one of my friends, was the son of two of the teaching staff, and felt comfortable in and around the staff room; he was intrigued by the computer. The first thing was playing games of course; we loved Star Trek. Shortly afterwards, I was browsing in the school library: every since my primary school days at Torquay Primary, I have loved libraries. Anyway, some absolutely brilliant member of the teaching staff of Mansfield High School had put the Apple II manuals on the library shelves. Goodness knows why, it would have been so easy to keep them on a desk somewhere in the staff room. In those days, computers were easy to program. In fact, you were put into a BASIC interpretor as soon as the computer powered up; the operating system and programming environment were the same thing in small computers of that period. So you were expected to program, and one of the Apple manuals was about programming. It was wonderfully well written, and I picked up the book and picked up programming easily. I also like HP calculators, speaking of favourite computational devices.

I like Australian football (Collingwood), and cricket. Never much good at either, although I played both at school so it wasn't for lack of trying. Off-spin bowling was my least poor contribution to cricket teams, and I preferred the most unglamorous position in Australian football: the back pocket. A very defensive position completely devoid of any glory.




Comments. Page modified: August 14, 2004

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