home > Far Cry Instincts > Far Cry Instincts Xbox Cheats
FAQ/Cheat Revision: N/A
Added on: 10/03/05

Far Cry Instincts
Cheat List

Note: Remember to capitalize where needed. These codes are case sensitive.

All Maps
Pause game, go to the cheat menu, and enter TheWorldIsMine. 

Add Health
Pause game, go to the cheat menu, and enter GiveMeHealth. 

Infinite Adrenaline
Pause game, go to the cheat menu, and enter VitruviAnRush. 

Infinite Ammo
Pause game, go to the cheat menu, and enter BulletsofHell. 

Run Faster
Pause game, go to the cheat menu, and enter AmAFastMachine.