home > Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith > Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith DS Cheats
FAQ/Cheat Revision: N/A
Added on: 09/01/05

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Master Difficulty
Complete the game on any difficulty.

Anakin Starfighter II
Defeat Anakin on any difficulty.

Obi Wan Starfighter II
Defeat Obi Wan on any difficulty.

Star Fighters in Multiplayer

    * Anakin's Starfighter: Defeat the Anakin Bot
    * Darth Vader's Tie Fighter: Defeat Darth Vader Bot
    * General Grevious's Starfighter: Defeat General Grevious Bot
    * Millenium Falcon: Defeat the Solo Bot
    * Slave I: Defeat Fett Bot
    * X-Wing: Defeat the Luke Bot