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Kris Burm - Saving the Abstract Game Interview Logo
2 July 2000
Kris Burm
Kris Burm is the inventor of the GIPF project and that rarest of all birds, a professional abstract game inventor. He is an unsung hero in the struggle to raise the profile of the purest of games.

This thoughtful, hard-hitting conversation with the Mindzine editor reveals the daunting world of game design, the perils facing abstract games as a whole, and some undiluted advice about improving the MSO.

A must read for players, inventors and organizers - anyone with an interest in the world of mind sports.

GIPF will be an MSO4 world championship event.
  • The MSO and games events - Burm is an enthusiastic fan of the MSO but warns of elitism - there is a danger of the event being seen as "a 5-story building with plenty of activity on the highest floor, with an elevator for the participants but without stairs for the public."

  • Game Design - an honest look at a tough career path, where success can depend on what a salesman thinks of the sound your game makes ... when he shakes its box.

  • Musings on the Abstract Game - A fearless appraisal of the state of the abstract game. On one hand Burm admires the eternal appeal of Go, on the other, he believes that if the game came out today it would have a hard time getting a single good review, "and even that is already too much of a speculation, because nobody would publish it."

Burm links
Burm on Games for People
Burm on Inventing Games
The Challenge Facing Abstract Games
Burm on Burm: Fact File
The GIPF project
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