The Game of Chess in 30 Lessons for kids and grown ups,
for masters and masters yet to become,
for all those who get to love it,
for a lifetime!
The Game of Chess in 30 Lessons
  • Basic, intermediate and advanced course
  • Instructive games, studies and problems
  • Quotes and factoids
  • Art gallery and caricatures
  • Superior graphical design
  • Interactive features
  • Play chess with Crafty

Available now on CD as well

Free supplements:

  • Chess Informant Expert Lite
  • The Best 910 Games from Chess Informants (games without annotations)
  • The FIDE Laws of Chess

Author's note

Chess players should definitely use their heads rather than hands… It is more useful to develop deeper understanding of the good and the bad sides of each piece than to learn by heart all the games of the great champions… One can hardly expect to successfully protect the king without proper knowledge of the roles of cavalry, artillery or infantry in various situations that may arise in the opening, middlegame or endgame. That is exactly the reason why this handbook, maybe not better than any other, but certainly different, brings Pinocchio - the chunk of wood - to life: whimsical at first sight, he would gradually mature before our eyes lesson after lesson…

…And that's also a shortcut to a better comprehension of chess theory; it is not just about "I play this, then you play that, and then again - it's my turn and I move here, you move there, and so on", or how you treat Caro-Kann or any other opening for that matter, or how to mate one's bare king with minor pieces only - there's more to the picture than meets the eye… Thorough understanding of the fact that a knight in the centre of the board is four times stronger than its unfortunate peer in the corner, that the value of any piece is directly proportional to its impact, or that one should try to control the centre straight from the opening should be equivalent to the magic words: "Open, Sesame!"

Great players who have mastered all the subtleties of chess from a1 to h8, as well as the other intellectual giants who shared the same passion for the royal game agree on one thing: the principles of chess represent the key towards greater understanding of the game; their thoughts, experience, pieces of advice and pearls of wisdom are also included in this book.

This challenging game full of life has managed to survive hundreds of years: not at a tender age anymore, it has nonetheless preserved its youthfulness and charm. The answer to that paradox can be found in the section where "golden games", problems and studies often defy the common logic; accompanied by the great pieces of art they produce that captivating effect that signs, seals and delivers the message to the true aficionados. Let's just join them in the celebration of the game of chess!

GM Aleksandar Matanovic



The Game of Chess in 30 Lessons, Electronic Edition
- 9.90 GBP
The Game of Chess in 30 Lessons, CD *
- 12.40 GBP
* Shipping costs included

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