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home > GBA > reviews > Advance Wars
Graphics: 7.0
Sound : 7.0
Gameplay : 9.0
Multiplayer : 8.0
Overall : 8.0

Review by Gorxon
(c) Nintendo
By 'Gorxon'


Advance Wars is already a classic, most of us are already expecting a sequel, anyway our site was not yet up, this is a brief review that will fill an huge missing hole on our site, other classics like mario and golden sun will hopefully follow. I found out Advance Wars to be a Civilization 3 without most of strategy issues, just turn based war with plenty of armies.

The Graphics:

The graphics in Advance Wars are not that great really, but when you think of it, you discover that it maybe was a wise decision keeping it simple. It is easy to get a good view of the situation most of the time. The game is colourful and stylish, although the graphics may be somewhat childish at times. However, that doesn't matter much.

The Sounds / Music:

The sounds are good quality. Crisp and clear although they could have made some of the sound effects better. There are no voices in the game, but I guess that's for the better. The music is ok in the start but tends to get annoying after a while. Luckily you can turn it off, when you're getting sick of it.
The Gameplay:

The gameplay in this game is excellent. Easy enough for new players and advanced enough for experienced players. There are many things you will have to consider before making a move, but you can, of course, choose not to bother with it at the risk of doing a very bad move. You got plenty of units to choose from, so when you have to choose what unit you will buy, you better take a look at the enemy's units. There are three different types of units in the game: Air units, ground units and naval units. After some playing you find that moving a unit one square wrong, can be very fatal, so thank goodness for the in-game save function. You can save at whatever point you want when battling. There are only one save for Campaign though. There is enough challenge in this game to keep you playing for hours, and when you're done with the Campaign you have plenty of maps left to play in the War Room, or you can just make some yourself! To sum it all up: It's addicting!


The multiplayer part in this game is definitely worth mentioning. It supports multiplayer with singlecart, multicart or hot-seat (one GBA). With two cartridges, you and your friends can also trade maps that you've made in the map editor. The game supports up to 4 players in multiplayer and I specially like the option to play hot-seat. Nice if you don't have any friends who own a GBA or if you don't own a link cable.


If you like strategy games this game is a must and if you don't, you should try it anyways. It is a great game, it's quite challenging at times and there are many hours of playtime in it before you get tired.
If you don't already have it, buy it!