Idea Builders' software is helping four major banks of Pakistan to provide Inter-Branch Transaction Facility to their customers.

Idea Builders specialize in Custom Software Development using latest tools like Visual C++, Borland Delphi, Visual Basic and Java. Most of our software focuses on enhancing productivity, reducing costs and providing better customer service. We develop Customized Web Pages as well with specialized Java applets, Dynamic HTML, Java Scripts and VB Script enahancements.

See our products, custom projects and tools pages for technologies we have used and implemented. We have experience in TCP/IP and RS/232 based serial communications, faxing, imaging applications, database applications, Ineractive Voice Response applications - especially telephone banking, ActiveX and OCX controls development, and System Integeration jobs. A new area in which we are making progress is DirectX based development of small arcade games and entertainment/children education software to be used for promotion and marketing of consumer products.

Our main client base is banking industry. Our software has enabled four major banks of Pakistan to provide inter-branch transaction system to their customers. Many products from idea builders are helping banks provide better, faster and innovatice services to their clients.

Contact us for your programming needs. We may write new applications for you, automate processing of you old legacy terminal based applications, and help you solve problems of system integration. With our system integration expertise, we may be able to make your UNIX, Mainframe, and PC systems communicate with each other. Our consultancy and programming rates are very low as compared to US and European markets due to our Pakistan based base of operations.

iNemesis : Play online chess at the internet with humans and computers, and get a rating.
LINUX based UniSign is Implemented at Allied Bank of Pakistan.
Idea Builders develops Inter-Branch online transaction system layer for Bolan Bank Limited.
Idea Builders' develops ATM host interface for Bolan Bank Limited.
UniSign is Implemented at Askari Commercial Bank Limited.
UniSign is implemented and UBL Pakistan and UBL Mid-East.
Fast-Fax centralizes LC Processing at more than 40 branches of Union Bank Limited.
NouvoBanq of Seychelles Islands implements Idea Builders' Telephone Banking and Transaction Download Modules for Customers.
Askari Commercial Bank provides online circular distribution to its nearly 50 branches.