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Ships Ahoy - BF2: Special Forces [November 22, 2005, 09:46 am ET] - Viewing Comments

EA and Digital Illusions Ship Battlefield 2 Special Forces Expansion Pack (thanks Frans) is the press release announcing the availability of the new Special Forces expansion for Battlefield 2, both at retail, and online via the new EA Downloader service. Here's a bit:

In Battlefield 2 Special Forces, players will choose to fight as one of 6 different Special Forces soldiers -- Navy SEALs, British SAS, Russian Spetsnaz, MEC Special Forces, rebel groups and insurgents. Armed with the latest Special Forces weaponry, players can take control of any of the game's 10 new vehicles to engage in major conflicts with up to 64 players.

Equipped with gear including grappling hooks and zip lines, each map is transformed into a true three dimensional battlefield allowing players to use brute force in the streets or stalk the rooftops in silence. Players will also clash in nighttime environments equipped with the latest in night vision technology. Additionally, persistent character growth allows players to continue to rise through the ranks.

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63. Re: Don't waste your Money Feb 5, 03:02 40hands


I play the game but I agree that EA blows at making games. The game is ok but they could have tested it more and found the obvious bugs. But, no, it' all about the money with EA. It's called shovelware folks and I don't stand for it. They give us half finished games and then fix the problems within the next 1/2 year. This will be my last purchase from them.

Fuck you EA fanbois.

This message was edited at Feb 5, 03:06.
62. Re: BF2 SF Impressions Nov 23, 19:26 CountLovE


The New addon is great.. There are some amazing maps, and are a ton of fun to play on.. The Zip Lines are great, and so are the grap hooks.

I heard from someone at EA that they are testing booster packs for as an update.

Don't listen to someone else who sucks, try it for yourself. I love it!

Also, the Brits sound all proper, and homosexual. Is that always the case?


61. Re: No subject Nov 23, 16:12 CrimsonPaw


    From our Admin:

    Our BF2 Special Forces server is up. The IP is

Count me in!!

60. Re: BF2 SF Impressions Nov 23, 14:40 MindTrigger


My only complaint about the EA downloader was that they didn't have the friggin patch on it. Why did I install a "downloader" for the expansion files, then have to go to fileplanet for the patch????

BF2 Player Name: "MindTrigger"
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you."
59. BF2 SF Impressions Nov 23, 12:22 Tumbler


I decided to try the EA downloader service with this title the other day and the process was very smooth for anyone curious. You pay the 29.99, then you login to the ea downloader and there is an addition to the list and you can download the 1GB expansion.

It basically downloads the contents of the CD and installs that onto your computer. (When I looked through the directory where it downloads I found what I'd expect to see if I copied the contents onto my harddrive.) The game installed without ever asking for a CD key so I'm assuming it's hardcoded into my copy there or it just linked up while I installed.

After you install you have a new icon to start SF with. I tried to do this without the BF2 cd in the drive and it did not let me. Was a little disappointed with that, but put in the BF2 cd and game started fine. After watchign all the silly bik movies I updated teh video settings and closed the game. Was able to put dummy files in place of all the bik files and now the game starts up with not intro movie crap. The game initially takes A LONG time to load, the first time loading time seemed a lot longer than the standard game.

Once in game some of maps ran fine and were fun to play and others, like Iron gator, did not run well at all and were filled with little problems that made gameplay very frustrating. (Running works about 50% of the time...???)

Special forces weapons unlock came rather quickly as after completing my first match I got to do 3 unlocks.
The unlocks oddly enough are not really used in special forces, most of the weapons are standard wpns used on the British SAS force on the special forces map. But unless you are the British SAS or whoever gets those weapons you cannot use them if you are not on that force. However if you go back and play old BF2 maps you can now choose those unlocked weapons to use as well.

That brings up a big complaint I have about this game, BF2 and BF2 Special forces do not work together. When you want to play BF2 maps and are in SF it drops you to the desktop and starts BF2, goes through the loading process and about 30 seconds later starts loading the map. Going between SF maps and BF2 maps is extremely frustrating and it doesn't make sense why the game needs to close down and start back up. I hope eventually they will add all the maps to the BF2 SF side of the game so that you can use the new toys like grappling hooks and other stuff on maps like strike at karkland and not have to close SF and start BF2 just to play them.

The new vehicles added are nice but it doesn't feel like nearly enough. The only things that feel like they added something to the game are the apache and hind, the other stuff is fluff. Expansion feels weak in this area.

overall I can't give this thing higher than an 8.5/10.0
It's slightly above average, but doesn't have the same polished feel of BF2.(BF2 may have it's share of bugs but teh experience is solid an 95% of the time it's flawless for me)

My Wireless controller is plugged into my Xbox 360.
This message was edited at Nov 23, 13:51.
58. Re: No subject Nov 23, 09:46 xXBatmanXx


Good Job DICE, and thanks for not waiting a year + to put out an expansion. Do another one in a few more months, and I'll give you another $30. Maybe the other developers will take note that we get tired of the same content much more quickly these days. Expansions need to come faster if they expect to keep an audience for longer than 4-6 months.

I think a huge thing is maps.
We need more maps.
There really aren't that many in the game. (Even with the expansion)

Always listening to:

Looking to add BF2 members to our clan. Drop a line if interested.
57. Re: No subject Nov 23, 02:41 MindTrigger



We all know our government sucks ass here, we don't need you bringing everyone down on a video game site. Go take some prozac. DICE isn't the fucking U.S. Military.

I'm all for giving "our leaders" shit, but save it for the politcal forums online. Not Blue's.

BF2 Player Name: "MindTrigger"
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you."
56. Re: No subject Nov 23, 02:36 MindTrigger


Just spent a few hours checking out the expansion. Had a kick ass time, although I would have liked to see more people play in squads. The new US Assault weapon is my favorite gun in the game now. Sounds great, looks great, accurate.. just a lot of fun.

Good Job DICE, and thanks for not waiting a year + to put out an expansion. Do another one in a few more months, and I'll give you another $30. Maybe the other developers will take note that we get tired of the same content much more quickly these days. Expansions need to come faster if they expect to keep an audience for longer than 4-6 months.

BF2 Player Name: "MindTrigger"
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you."
55. Re: No subject Nov 22, 23:36 UttiniDaKilrJawa


    You people are total fucking whinners. Have a big cup of STFU,and stop complaining. I play BF2 everyday and I don't have any issues.

    Your problems must be:

    A. You are on a Slow fucking cheap Toshiba Shit house computer that is not at par for running system whore games like BF2.

    B. You are on cable modem, and get lagged to death during peak hours of play since your provider is comcast.

    C. You have no hand eye cordination, other than jerking yourself off.

    D. You are a way too fucking liberal.

    E. You still don't know how to fly the helicopters.

    I am looking forward to this add-on, and I don't care if its realistic enough in terms of some fuck jumping around. I can still drop two hits to his head and drop him.

    I can't wait to see you whiners in the servers. Look for me, I am going to knife ya from behind in game, prison style.

and they say retards cant type.

54. Re: No subject Nov 22, 21:36 FourPak


    players will choose to fight as one of 6 different Special Forces soldiers
wow really, will we get to play as Pat Tillman ???

yeah. didn't think so.

In Memoriam - Lest We Forget...

    Mary Tillman (his mom) said in her first lengthy interview since her son's death. "The military let him down. The administration let him down. It was a sign of disrespect. The fact that he was the ultimate team player and he watched his own men kill him is absolutely heartbreaking and tragic. The fact that they lied about it afterward is disgusting."
But of course no game would ever dare to represent The Truth.

They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country.
But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying.
You will die like a dog for no good reason.

53. Re: No subject Nov 22, 21:27 MindTrigger


You still flappin' your man-pleaser Zephalephelah?

BF2 Player Name: "MindTrigger"
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you."
52. No subject Nov 22, 21:06 xXBatmanXx


From our Admin:

Our BF2 Special Forces server is up. The IP is


Always listening to:

Looking to add BF2 members to our clan. Drop a line if interested.
51. Re: Know what I really hate? Nov 22, 19:50 The Half Elf



With all this trash talking we gotta have Derek here

50. Re: Know what I really hate? Nov 22, 19:35 CountLovE


You people are serious losers.

My post was satire, and yet you are completely clueless.

Oh well.. My point is proven.

49. Re: Know what I really hate? Nov 22, 19:19 Zephalephelah


    Lot of open minded people, then. Although you are kind of illustrating the problem with internet gaming in your post there. STFU? Lovely expression. For people who cannot spell 'shut', 'fuck', 'the' or 'up', I presume.
It's kinda like using "the finger" gesture. It says alot without using much effort. Kinda like, STFU aldo_14, would have been much easier than explaining all of this to you. "Noob at life" would better expressive insult though. But NaL is only going to catch on if it becomes a popular text-message for cell phone teenagers.

"W-h-a-t __ a-r-e __ y-o-u __ d-o-i-n-g __ ???"

I'm using my phone in an intelligent manner by actually speaking into it. This allows me to carry on conversations at a rate of about 100:1 versus your stupid text-messaging. By the time you're done typing a sentence, I'm already sick of the subject.

It's kinda like that aldo. STFU is just easier. So just Shut the Fuck UP! & start using it.


48. Re: Know what I really hate? Nov 22, 18:24 aldo_14


    D. You are a way too fucking liberal.
Definitions of liberal on the Web:
# broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions"
# having political or social views favoring reform and progress
# tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition
# a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties
# big: given or giving freely; "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday's child is loving and giving"; "a liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and openhanded grandfather"
# a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets
# free: not literal; "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem"


Lot of open minded people, then. Although you are kind of illustrating the problem with internet gaming in your post there. STFU? Lovely expression. For people who cannot spell 'shut', 'fuck', 'the' or 'up', I presume.

Freespace 2: Lost Souls
This message was edited at Nov 22, 18:25.
47. Re: No subject Nov 22, 17:21 ColoradoHoudini


i could REALLY do without the diving on the ground dealy.
i hate it in fact.. every time you want to shoot accurately, you have to dive on the ground? wtf?
why couldnt they just do the hitscan and physics like Wolf:ET ? which i still regard as near-perfect.

speaking of.. hurry up QW:ET

46. No subject Nov 22, 16:43 MindTrigger


Lol... booby :p

BF2 Player Name: "MindTrigger"
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you."
45. Re: No subject Nov 22, 16:39 Wildone


stfu booby

44. Re: No subject Nov 22, 16:10 MindTrigger



What a bunch of fuckin bitchbaskets in here.

Don't like the game? Fuck off to a different one.

The End.

BF2 Player Name: "MindTrigger"
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you."
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