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Gameworld Network

About Us

PC Gameworld is owned and run by gamers just like you. We don't have to worry about expressing exactly how we feel - we tell it like it is!

We want to make PC Gameworld the ultimate resource of PC game related information. Whether it's a game that's not even released yet, or an old classic, you're bound to find something on it here!

PC Gameworld is a megasite consisting of thousands of pages of content, including:

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  • Movies
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  • Thousands of Cheat Codes for games of the past and present, also updated on a daily basis.
  • Screenshots for every game, updated regularly.
  • A price comparison service for those looking to purchase games.
  • Access to a list of every known game on our site, with information and links to the above content for each game.
  • And much more!

Community features:

  • Interactive message boards with private messaging, customizable profiles and many other features.
  • An official IRC chat channel where readers can rub shoulders with each other and the writers of PC Gameworld.
  • Letters section where readers can submit mail about anything that's on their mind, for one of the PC Gameworld staff to respond to.
  • Regular giveaways and contests, including our infamous online grudge matches between lucky readers and the staff of PC Gameworld.

Review/preview materials for games or hardware can be sent to the following address:

Gameworld Industries
1110 Apple Creek Lane
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Ph: Kevin Blanchard (Mail Handler) on (707) 577-8957

Email enquiries should be addressed to

We currently have a team of over 20 writers working around the clock to provide you with the most up-to-date, and informative content possible.

Here's a brief run-down on the people behind PC Gameworld:

Holt Meyers
Managing Director

PC Gameworld had very humble beginnings. It launched officially in February 1998 and has grown to be one of the most popular gaming sites on the Internet with tens of thousands of visitors daily.

My interest in games began when I got my first computer - it was a Sega with 32KB of memory and no hard disk. It was more like a console game unit than a computer, but I played around with the BASIC programming language, the games were good, and I thought it was overall a pretty cool machine.

Next came an Amiga 500 (the ultimate games machine!). Then a couple of years later I bought a Macintosh (gasp! - let me explain, I used to work in Advertising and everyone else had one...).

Eventually I became resigned to the fact that I would HAVE to get an IBM, and haven't looked back since. I like action games, classic games and flight simulators, and when I'm not at my computer you can find me at the beach, at the gym, or listening to techno.

PC Gameworld reviewers are real gamers, not self-proclaimed "journalists" or "professional writers". Just read their profiles and you will see what I mean!

For business enquiries, please email


Richard Manley
Content Manager

I have been working for Gameworld Industries since 1998 and in that time have helped it grow to become what is undoubtedly one of the most popular video game site networks in the world. These are exciting times we live in, with technology becoming futher entrenched in our day to day lives, and popular games out-performing blockbuster movies on a regular basis. So sit back, relax, and join us for the ride as my team of expert writers and I bring you the very latest in news, reviews, and opinion from the video game industry, 24/7!

For editorial enquiries, please email


Scott R Krol

So, you want to know something about me, eh? I don't know, are you sure you're not with them? Don't look at me like that, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Look at me. Huddled in a dark corner, eyes on every exit. Well, sit down. Pour yourself a drink. What were we talking about? Oh yes, you wanted to me to divulge my story. Very well.

I'm a gamer. Board games, role playing games, CCGs, and of course, computer games. Started it all back in the '70s. Those were the days, with Avalon Hill ruling the wargame roost and TSR showing us a brand new way of exploiting our imagination. Computer gaming soon followed. The very first game I played was probably Zork on a friend's Apple. As soon as I discovered how much fun a box full of electronics could provide I knew I had to have one for myself. Forget a Red Ryder bb gun, all I wanted for my Christmas was an Atari 800. Convincing my parents it would be educational was the easy part. Convincing them that playing NATO Commander, Lode Runner, and Star Raiders was educational turned out to be the tough part. From that point on my love affair with computer gaming has never ceased, even though she can be a fickle mistress (Force Commander? Ultima IX?) at times.

What's that? You already know I'm into computer games because this is a computer game site and want to know more about me as a person? I suppose I can oblige. When I'm not playing computer games, or writing about them, I enjoy writing short stories and one day hope to have an epic fantasy novel under my belt. Speaking of novels I tend to read one or two a week, with some of my favorite authors being George R.R. Martin, L.E. Modesitt Jr, the team of Preston and Child, and Michael Slade. I love music and have a large collection, mostly death metal, classical, and opera. I draw, mostly pencil, but occasionally I do pen. I'm big into military history, and I also collect erotic trading cards (much more enjoyable than baseball cards). I have three dogs, and three cats, which can be a handful. I hate traffic (and living in a suburb of Atlanta sure doesn't help), the media, and idiots who blame society's woes on computer gaming.

There, satisfied? Or do you want this to turn into a personal ad? Wait, what's that? At the door... no, surely that's is, isn't it? So, the stars are right! Ia! Ia! Cthuluh Fatghn!


Walter Hurdle

Name a military flight sim and he's flown it. Name a racing sim from Papyrus and he's driven it. Name a tactical military FPS with the name "Tom Clancy" on the box and he's been immersed in it. Since the early days of electronic gaming on Intellivison, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, and Amiga 500, Walter Hurdle has raged through his favorite genres, kicking butt and taking names. Primarily a PC gamer today, sports games on the Xbox being the sole exception, PCGameworld's resident "Superfreak" keeps it real when dissecting games for lucky visitors to the site.


Zack Stromberg

The earliest gaming memory that I have is walking out to the arcade in my parents apartment when I was around three. There was one of those overhead driving games where the car was effectively a T shape and you tried to avoid other Ts falling down the screen. Then we moved. Fortunately shortly thereafter we moved again, next door to a family with Pong.

From that day on I was hooked on gaming. I have played virtually every gaming system since: Atari, Colecovision, Intellivision, Apple II, Nintendo, SEGA Master System...all the way up to modern consoles and PCs. (I might have missed a few more obscure systems like Vectrex). All this gaming throughout my life has created a monster gamer (at least according to my girlfriend, who constantly complains about my attention to gaming, and lack thereof to her). I love, LOVE gaming. I actually have damn near gone broke buying gaming equipment. It's a little sad really......(sigh).

Well inevitably I fell into the world of online game reviews and previews. I hope that my enthusiasm for gaming is reflected in the quality of my writing. I look forward to the road ahead and where it may lead.


Kevin Blanchard (Mail Handler & Reviewer)

Well, let's see. My name is Kevin Blanchard, and I live in sunny Santa Rosa, CA with my wife and her two cats. I am 26 years old and am currently a slave to my computer day in and day out. I have been gaming in one fashion or another since I was 6 years old. You name it, I have played it. Platforms of every type have fallen under my masterful control, from the quaint likes of the unwieldy Colecovisions and Intellivisions in days of old, to the sleek, sexy, and powerful Xboxes and PS2s of today.

But my one most loyal love affair has been PC gaming. Ever since I got my first 286 so many years ago, and embarked upon the wonder that is PC gaming, I have been ensnared by the PC's indomitable grasp of creativity, performance, and innovation. I have played and enjoyed pretty much every genre of gaming, but tend to focus mainly on FPS and flight and driving sims. These are my joys, my releases, and sometimes my frustrations. It is my pleasure to serve as your conduit to what is fair and foul in the gaming world and I hope to continue in that role for a long time to come.


Marc Read

I'm a thirty-something Brit now living in the States with my wife. When not in front of the PC, I spend my time cooking, motorcycling, reading, writing poetry, singing in a choir, listening to music, watching old movies, teaching high-school and generally enjoying life. My addiction to gaming started young, with pencil-and-paper RPGs and strategy games. Then, in the late 80s, I discovered hardcore board-wargames (Avalon Hill & SPI) and the joys of the computer. Although 8-bit machines were fun, once I bought a 286 along with Alone in the Dark and Civilization I knew my life would never be the same again. Today, I mostly enjoy wargames, adventures, RPGs and strategy - nothing that relies too heavily on my aging reflexes.


Jason Scavone

Jason Scavone got his start in 1972 as an investigative report for WABC, where he carved out a name for himself with his reporting on conditions at the infamous Willowbrook State School. In 1973 he traveled to Israel to cover the Yom Kippur War, his first war of eight he would cover. Scavone gained wide mainstream attention in 1986 with his "The Mysteries of Al Capone's Vault," which he soon parlayed into his own nationally syndicated talk show, which in turn gained him no small amount of notoriety in 1988 when a brawl erupted on the program that ended in a broken nose for Scavone when struck with a chair thrown by an angry neo-Nazi.

In 1994, Scavone returned to his journalistic roots, hosting a call-in show for CNBC that drew record numbers of viewers for his groundbreaking coverage of the O.J. Simpson trial. In 1997, Scavone moved over to NBC News, and then in 2001 joined Fox News, where he came under fire for admitting to carrying a weapon while covering operations in the field. Scavone would later be assigned to the 101st Airborne Division as an embed for Operation: Iraqi Freedom.

No ... wait. That's Geraldo Rivera.

Jason Scavone is actually a sports reporter for a small newspaper in upstate New York. He's as old-skool as Grandmaster Flash, and considers Asteroids to be the pinnacle of game development. The only thing that ever came close was the original arcade release of Tron. He also hosts a sports blog where thousands of visitors (Or is it tens? He always misplaces the decimal.) daily come by to read his musings on how much the Red Sox suck.


Adam Shirley

I am the baby of PC Gameworld compared to most of the other crusties dominating its vast virtual halls, being still in my late teen years. I was just getting into gaming as things were really starting to look up, my first gaming machine being a monstrous top-spec 233mhz machine with a full 16MB RAM. My first proper retail game was Magic Carpet, the entire game being on one solitary floppy disk. Now my extensive collection is bursting out from my cupboards and overflowing my shelves, as I build it up at a hefty rate.

Something that particularly irks me is the puerile geek branding given to many gamers from cretinous bigots who cannot comprehend the powerful source of entertainment that the PC offers. Being a PC gamer doesn't make you some sort recluse or pariah, some white-faced four-eyed nerd staring at a screen 24/7. Hence, I play football once a week, visit the gym regularly, and make sure I have a genuine social life, as well as a virtual one. Join the fight with me, and let's make PC gaming something to be proud of.

Oh yes, and I meant proper football as well, not that common misnomer used by everyone West of the pond. The sort where you only use your feet, hence the cleverly devised title. And yes, I am British for those less percipient readers.


Christopher "Crash" Means

I never run out of game. Ever. Always the last one standing at the LAN party, ready for one more go. Why not? What's more fun than sitting around with four to twelve of your friends blasting each other to bits, or crushing each others armies in the name of fun? Video games are one of the last bastions of camaraderie we have left, where we can gather together and match wits against each other in the spirit of pure fun. That's what games are, pure fun, they really don't serve any other purpose. I like that.

I don't really like to talk about myself, but I can give you the basics. I'm a native Texan (not by choice), I was born in the early 80's. Blah, blah, blah. Twenty years later here I am an aspiring English major. I like any game as long as it's of good quality. Type and genre don't really apply, like art, it's always enjoyable when it's quality work. Games are like art, that's how I think of them. Games have a series of artists that piece together a finished title.

Every part of that title must have quality, and when it does I recognize it, and when the quality's lacking I'm the first to point it out. Also, different types of art affects different kinds of people in different ways, and I'm very aware of this. I look at a game and do not just ask if I like it, but if anyone else would, and if so, who? Loving the game means loving the people who game. While not all gamers are tolerable (You Counter-Strike players know who I'm talking about), we all have the same drive to have fun, and what's there not to love about that?


Abe Davis

I try not to brag about my gaming skills too much because I've noticed that most of the hot women in this world don't find my level 60 Troll Warrior to be as sexy as I do. Oh well, I can still impress my friends at school with any Nintendo game while under the influence and that's gotta' count for something. Anyway, the genre of gaming that I love most is roleplaying games. Spending a few hours creating a group of adventurers and then hackin'/slashin' and hoarding booty while my characters level up is my idea of fun - not on the weekends though, that's when I like to party.

I also have a newfound love for simulation games like Age of Empires and Age of Wonders; being able to build an entire nation and control its outcome is wonderfully entertaining. As soon as I graduate from Earlham College (2005) I'm hoping to land a computer-related job and hopefully bring home the big bucks, perhaps even move out of Indiana to California. Who knows, though. Life's crazy and I'm just here for the ride.


Brian Maupin

I started gaming on consoles in the late 80’s, playing on older sibling’s NES and Atari 2600 until the early 90’s when I bought my Genesis (still my pride and joy). I’ve always been a sucker for Sega and Sonic. My first PC was a 486 with a rocking 66 MHZ of raw power. Today I play quite a bit of both PC and consoles now and I don’t think I’ve found a genre of gaming I outright hate. I really enjoy a good platformer or FPS, those are probably my two favorite genres.

Outside of games, I graduated from Liberty High School in 2003 and I’m currently going to the University of Kansas City-Missouri (UMKC) studying computer science. My goal is to eventually break into the industry and maybe work on Halo 17 or Sonic Adventure 24.

I also run a highly unsuccessful webcomic!


Kyle Vasatka

Being born in Billings, Montana, my coolness level was immediately handicapped. However, I managed to get over the disability of being born out in the middle of nowhere and somehow make it to St. Louis, know the place with the weird looking arch thing. My favorite game genres are Shooters, Sports, and Flight Simulation games. In addition to my work here at PC Gameworld and Console Gameworld, I write for PlanetMedalofHonor, the leading source for news in the Medal of Honor community. I currently attend Illinois State University and am majoring in Biology with the hopes of someday becoming a doctor. So sometime in the distant future, right before I operate on you, you might have the opportunity to say that you read one of my reviews.


Russ Clow

Well Well... This isn’t the first time I’ve had to sit down and write up a little “article” about myself. You see, I’m the lead designer at and have been with them for some time now – when I first joined them I had to write an article about myself. I’m quite bored of writing about how cool I am, what I do etc…so I'm not going to…Ok maybe I will.

My names Russell Clow (Yeh I know, sounds like Russell Crowe…but its not – honest!) and I’m a PC/Console Game Reviewer for I’m also hoping to get some hardware reviews done for the site. I like to play computer games, drive my non-existent car and eat children.


Nigel Grammer

I am a University student from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. When I can pry myself away from my computer and consoles long enough to go, I am studying towards an architecture degree. I love all things FPS, as well as a good RPG. If given a choice, I would put more hours into gaming than breathing and I don't see anything wrong with that. I may not be completely balanced, but I know what I like, and I like a good game.


Aaron McKenna

Aaron McKenna is a freelance journalist and gaming addict, though happily enough the two seem to mix quite well. When not muttering to himself and banging the keyboard in the hopes of producing readable articles he can be found anywhere from the throne room of a Civilization, the cockpit of an F-22, the boots of a GI or the bridge of an Akula. He has been in gaming for as long as he can remember now, though that may have more to do with memory troubles than the actual length of years spent in the business, and doesn't regret a moment of it.... well, except maybe for that time when..


Christopher Burkett

I have been a gamer every since I was 2 years old. I'm not kidding either. I started playing on various consoles like the Atari 2600 and Nintendo, and later playing everything from the Super Nintendo to the small tiger/hasbro handheld and a Magnavox Odyssey which I found in a dump in perfect condition, who would throw that away?! Basically if you name a console or game I've played it. My game addiction was thrown into super-geekdom when I suddenly had an urge to memorize the name of every developing company, their games and other fun facts. Later on I got addicted to PC gaming and the amount of freedom that the system allowed. Nearly anyone with a computer and some knowledge could make a game.

My writing career began about 5-7 years ago. A news site for games was starting and I decided to give it a try when they asked me. At the time I had absolutely no idea how to write a half decent article but by reading as much as possible I learned in no time. Since then I have worked for IGN Mac and numerous other websites. Currently I'm writing a novel entitled Ensorcel, writing various pieces for PC Gameworld and creating art. I have a small gallery over at DeviantArt which can be viewed here.


Michael Bordelon

31 May 2005: Sadly, Michael recently passed away while serving his country in Iraq. Our deepest sympathies go out to his wife, his three children, and his family. Michael was one of our longest serving and most valued reviewers and will be missed dearly by all of us. Our thoughts and prayers are with him, and his family. He will be forever remembered by our team, and his wonderful reviews and articles will always remain in our archives.

Our offices were designed and fitted out by London Calling.