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Chess Sets

All sets are sold without boards

These fine chess sets are crafted in India by the company which has been making chess sets for many years. All sets come with a black leather box. While images may give you an idea how each set looks, they don't show all the beauty and fantastic craftsmanship. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee with each set (except shipping charges). Each set is trully magnificent! Need a gift? These gorgeous chess sets will make a wonderful present.

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Elegance Staunton Set

Boxwood and Ebony
$259.95 Boxwood (White pieces) and Ebony (Black pieces). 4" King; 1 1/16'' base; Tripple weighted. Leather-felted bottoms. .

Elegance Staunton Set

Boxwood (White pieces) and Ebony (Black pieces)
$189.95 3.75" King; Double weighted. Leather-felted bottoms. This set comes with a black leather box.

Elegance Staunton Set

Boxwood (White pieces) and Rosewood (Black pieces)
$94.95 3.75" King. Double-weighted. Leather-felted bottoms. This set comes with a black leather box.