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My Best Games

GM Vishy Anand, GM John Nunn. Gambit. 1998. 238 pg. hard cover.
List Price: $24.95 Chessplayer Price:$19.99 $17.99! One of the top players of the end of this century, the World Championship contender and a second highest rated player in the World offers an exciting collection of well-annotated games. Anand is well-known for his great attacking style and his games are always fun. Top quality commentary and analysis. In the end of the book twenty five tactical positions are offered as quizzes. This book offers an excellent opportunity to look inside of a mind of a great player.

Winning Pawn Structures

GM Alexander Baburin. Batsford. 1998. 256 pg. Soft cover. Algebraic notation.
List Price: $24.95 Chessplayer Price: $21.95 $19.95! Pawn structure is a backbone of middle game and endgame play. Excellent work by Russian grandamster, Alexander Baburin. He covers many very important positions, mostly related to Isolated pawn, its advantages and disadvantages. Many interesting games and plans are analyzed: attack againts f7-f2-squares, Kingside attack, Rook lift, the h-pawn storm, etc. Unlike many books that offer mountains of variation, this one gives plenty of explanation.

Hanging Pawns

GM Andrian Mikhalchishin and Wit Braslawski. ICE. 1999. 202 pg.
List Price: $19.95 Chessplayer Price: $18.95 $16.95! A top quality work on pawn structure by well-known Ukrainian grandmaster. Hanging pawns d4-c4 and d5-c5, happen in many openings (Queen's Gambit, Queen's Indian, etc., and are closely connected to isolated pawn positions. Many well-analyzed quality examples. Easy to read layout, good diagrams.

Secrets of Practical Chess

GM John Nunn. Gambit. 1998. 175 pg.
List Price: $19.95 Chessplayer Price: $16.95 $14.95! Top player and one of the most popular authors, John Nunn offers a book that "aimed at players who are primarily interested in improving their results. The subjects covered relate directly to tournament play and include decision making over the board, making your opponents think, warning signals, building repertoire, attack, defense, endgame, game databases, playing programs. Simply put, everything there is to know about practical chess. Nunn is top quality writer and his insights are invaluable.

The Chessplayer's Battle Manual

GM NIgel Davies. 1998. 160 pg.
List Price: $19.95 Chessplayer Price: $15.95 $13.95! The author writes: The limitations of time faced by amateur players mean that if they want to improve their play, they must efficiently target the areas of their game that of real importance. My aim in this book is to help with this process". Lot of analysis, exercises, practical endings and a lot of advice on how club player must work on improving their game.

Secrets of Grandmaster Chess

GM John Nunn. Batsford. 1997.
List Price: $26.95 Chessplayer Price: $21.95 $19.95! Grandmaster John Nunn is a very strong player and a very respected writer. In this great book he examines his chess career and analyzes many instructive games in a great detail. He played many great players and beat many of them as well. If you want to get inside GM's brain and pick up on his way of thinking, this is a perfect opportunity..