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Encyclopedia of Chess Openings

N.Kalinichecnko. 650 pg. Hard Cover. The same author and look as in Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations (see Russian Books)
Chessplayer Price: $45.00
Chess Signs/Notation, English Language, Table of Conent and Foreword in Russian.

This is a good refernce book to get quick information on all openings. Recommended from Beginners to approx 2000 rated players

The Black Knight's Tango

IM Georgi Orlov. Batsford. 1998. 128 pg. algebraic notation.
List Price: $21.99 Chessplayer Price: $15.99 (WA residents add 8.8% sales tax) All copies will be signed! A second improved and expanded edition. The first edition was nominated for the book of the year in 1992. Since the small booklet came out in 1992, a lot of games were played by very strong players. Many thanks to Alex Yermolinsky for his games! He put "the Tango" to the ultimate test by playing it against Garry Kasparov in 1996 Yerevan’s Olympiad. Some lines are completely revised, many more variations added and transpositional possibilities covered. The Tango is Orlov's pet line, he played it against such strong players as GMs Benjamin, Dreev, Ftacnic, Seirawan with a great success. Some games are fully annotated. Lots of fun!

GM Paul Motwani says about "Tango" in Scottish Chess Magazine, March/April 98:
"My first quick dip in the Tango book immediately revealed to me that the author has done a very thorough job of covering lots of variations and presenting them in a neat easily accessible format. Then when I went for more I soon found Orlov has really explained the ideas associated with the Black Knights Tango in a lucid and highly-readable style."

Mastering the Nimzo-Indian

GM TOny Kosten. Batsford. 1998. 140 pg.
List Price: $19.95 Chessplayer Price: $17.95 $15.95! Nimzo-Indian Defense, 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4, the brain child of Aaron Nimzowitch, has long been considered one of the most aggressive defenses against 1.d4 and 2.c4. This book addresses the opening from many different angles, with the focus on middle game ideas. In the beginning, pawn structures and possibles endings are reviewed, many useful middle game ideas explained in a very easy manner. This book focuses on detailed explanations rather than giving many variations. According to GM Jonathan Speelman, this book is "...an excellent way to learn an opening."

The Complete Richter-Rauzer

GM Peter Wells and IM Viacheslav Osnos. 318 pg.
List Price: $19.95 Chessplayer Price: $15.95 $13.95! This book covers the aggressive atacking system after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Bg5. Viacheslav Osnos is a strong Russian master, who worked as a second for Victor Kortchnoi for many years. Peter Wells is a young English grandmaster.

Secrets of Grandmaster Chess

GM John Nunn. Batsford. 1997.
List Price: $26.95 Chessplayer Price: $21.95 $18.95! Grandmaster John Nunn is a very strong player and a very respected writer. In this book he examines his chess career and analyzes many instructive games in a great detail. Nunn played many great players and defeated a great number of them. If you want to get inside GM's brain and pick up on his way of thinking, this book is a perfect opportunity.


IM Steffen Pedersen 1999. 176 pg. Softcover.
List Price: $22.95.00 Chessplayer Price: $19.95 $16.95!
This book provides complete and even-handed coverage of this popular gambit. 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5! served many players well. Pedersen explains in detail the strategic concepts behind the Benko, while supplying concise theoretical coverage of the very important variation.


GM Tony Kosten. 1999. 144 pg. softcover.
List Price: $19.95 Chessplayer Price: $17.95 $14.95!
An aggressive player's guide to a traditional chess opening, 1.c4. Many practical examples with extensive commentary, easy to read layout, many diagrams.