Product Overview

All smartDAX Archives provide through the DAXfs software the user interface for on-line and off-line DVD Archiving. On-line archiving is completed by means of an entirely scalable RAID cache archive of your file server. This means that files can be maintained in the hard disk file cache for any desired period of time which allows for quick access. Near-line (in the jukebox) and off-line (to the shelf) archiving is done by burning the data to DVD whereby it could either remain in the jukebox or removed from the Archive Station to store off-line.

The differing factor between the smartDAX Archives is the level of automation a company requires. The smartDAX Shelf Archive consists simply of a file server, two DVD recorders and the DAXfs software which automates the complete archiving process.

The smartDAX Shelf Plus Archive consists of a file server with one DVD reader for retrieval purposes. It also includes a DVD Robot which automatically records and labels up to 100 DVDs replacing the manual procedures as needed with the Shelf Archive. Off-line retrieval for both solutions is facilitated by means of a message which is generated informing the user on which DVD the requested file can be found.

The smartDAX Jukebox Archive goes a step further and automates also the retrieval process with a DVD robot and library that can include up to 700 double sided DVDs. The DAXfs software comes preinstalled in the built-in server in the Jukebox Archive Appliance. It can also be installed on an existing network server and be combined with a Jukebox Archive Extension Unit which is a Jukebox Archive without built-in server.

DAXfs enables the archiving of files in the standard drag-and-drop manner as the location of the digital archive is represented as an extra drive letter or mount point on your network. Its transparent file system offers the possibility to connect any type and number of smartDAX Archives over the network representing a single file system and unlimited scalability opportunities.

JFA provides an additional level on top of the elementary Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) based archiving provided by DAXfs and connects the users' working storage to the central digital archive. It migrates files and complete folders between any location on the network to a designated archive file system on the network. It contains highly developed extra features such as metadata, spanning, snapshots, versioning etc… which are very useful for organizations that still need to structure and organize their digital archive/workflow.

Read more about all the possible DVD Storage Applications of the smartDAX Archives


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