No updates coming soon as I can't be bothered. Enjoy these games from recent years and maybe give Blackpool congress a try sometime? It's held every March at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool


  Blackpool is a well attended strong congress with loads of luvvery prize money on offer. This attracts many GMs and IMs in the Open section and many a shark can be found cruising the shallower waters of the Challengers, the Major and the Inter. Due to the phenomenal hit rate this site gets with almost one hit per day, I have decided only to post up the top games from the Open - wins only! 

Games from the Open (2002)

Games from the Open (2000) 

Chessy Chuckles

 World Chess Network

How many people have visited this site...?

counter1.gif (7490 bytes)

no, really, how many?

dunno cos the counter started off free but then they started  charging so they can shove their counters up their bottoms