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Watch the girls play on ChessBase TV
25.03.2004 One day all chess tournaments will be covered this way: after the games the most successful players come to a special multimedia booth, talk to a charming anchor and show the game they have just played. All in high-resolution audio and video. Well, the future is already here, at the European Women's Championship in Dresden, live on ChessBase TV.

The European Women's Chess Championship is being held from March 21st till April 3rd 2004. The rounds start at 13:00h and will be covered on the Playchess.com server – with Radio ChessBase bringing periodic audio feed directly from the tournament hall. The tournament will be over 12 rounds, with a rest day on March 29th.

Did you know that the European Women's Championship is being covered in high-resolution video on the Playchess.com server? The unique feature of this multimedia coverage is that you can see the players, listen to what they say and watch them move pieces on the graphic chessboard.

After the games the most successful players come into the ChessBase Multimedia booth, where they are interviewed by Natalia Kiseleva (left in the picture above). You can see Natalija Pogonina moving the pieces on the Playchess board. You can view the broadcast live or go in later to view them at a time that is suitable to you.

You will find the archive files of the video interviews in the Dresden Euro 2004 room

You can choose a video by double-clicking in the "Games" list

The first minutes are free, after that you will need to pay one ducat (about 12 cents) to watch the entire interview and game analysis. Full information on the ducat payment system is given here:

This is Natalia and Tea Bosboom-Lanchava discussing the game Tea has just played

Natalia and WIM Eugenia Chasovnikova (Elo 2277) of Russia

The tournament leader with 5:0 points: WGM Peng Zhaoqin (2419, NED) showing us her games

Picture Gallery

If you are interested in more – lots and lots of – pictures of the ladies of Dresden, here are some secret links. The pictures are being posted by our colleagues on the German ChessBase site. The reports are in the language of Goethe and Schiller, but the pictures and names can be viewed by anyone.

General links

Here is the official web site with live coverage, information, games, scores and standings. Naturally we will also be covering the event on ChessBase.com and Playchess.com.

Here's a list of all the players. You can click on each name to get a picture, short biographical information and the results so far.

Pairings and results.

Interview with GM Uwe Bönsch, who is in charge of the German Women's team.

Information on the city of Dresden.

English pictorial reports: Opening day round two


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