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Chess Dictionary

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This is from the FAQ of, written by Stephen Leary.

YiTong [The Unified, All-in-One Piece]

To play YiTong, remove red's cannons, knights, and left rook. Black plays with all his pieces. All pieces move as in the regular game, except that red's rook can move either as a rook, or a cannon, or a knight on any move. I don't have many details as I saw this mentioned in a Chinese game book I browsed through in a store. Supposedly it was very popular in Manchuria.

This is the starting lineup:

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Usually, red's first move would probably be N1+2, moving like a knight.

Stephen Leary

Last modified: March 28, 1996.

The above was authored by: Stephen Leary. .
Last modified on: January 04, 2001.

See also:

Manchurian Chess. Widely-played regional variant on Chinese Chess Author: Ed Friedlander


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Last modified: Sunday, August 21, 2005