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© Copyright 2000, Jim Loy
You may print this and show it to others. But, this article will eventually be part of a book that I am writing. So, please do not distribute it widely.

If you need help reading checkers notation, please print out the numbered board.

This game is from Gould's Memorable Matches. White's mistake is not particularly obvious. And he defends cleverly, after the mistake. It is a nice game.

11-15 23-18 (Cross) 8-11 27-23 9-13 (4-8) 18-14 10-17 21-14 4-8 23-18 6-10 (12-16) 25-21 10-17 21-14 2-6 30-25 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 1-6 32-27 6-10 29-25 10-17 25-21 12-16 21-14 16-19 24-20 19-24 28-10 5-9 14-5 7-30 22-18 30-25 5-1 25-22 18-14 13-17 14-10 17-21 10-6 21-25 6-2 25-30 1-6 11-15 6-10 15-19 20-16? (2-6 19-24 is an easy draw) [diagram]

Red wins with a quiet move: 8-12 2-6 (16-11 or 10-15 lose a piece) 30-25 6-1! (White will regain his piece) 19-23 27-18 22-6 1-10 12-19 31-27 3-7! (a little trick) 10-3 25-22 3-7 19-23 27-18 22-15 RW.

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