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Famous Checker Game - Seton-Wyllie

© Copyright 1996, Jim Loy
You may print this and show it to others. But, this article will eventually be part of a book that I am writing. So, please do not distribute it widely.

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I really like this game between Seton & Wyllie. It ends with a nice, problem-like shot (one or more pitches (sacrifices) followed by one or more multiple jumps) which surprised the great player James Wyllie. See if you can find the winning continuation from the diagram.

J. Seton - J. Wyllie
11-15 24-20 8-11 (Ayrshire Lassie) 28-24 4-8 23-19 15-18 (or 9-14 PP) 22-15 11-18 32-28 (or 26-22 PP) 10-14 26-23 9-13 19-15 7-11 31-26 2-7 26-22 13-17 (just a trade) 22-13 6-9 13-6 1-26 30-23 11-15 25-22 18-25 29-22 7-10 23-19 (22-17 draws. A. Anderson) 5-9 22-17 (gives up the piece temporarily) 9-13 20-16 13-22 16-11 22-26 11-4 26-31 4-8 3-7! 8-3 31-26 19-16! (good) 12-19 27-23 26-22 23-16 22-18 3-8? (24-20 15-19 16-12 18-15 3-8 14-17 draw. Spayth) [diagram]

See if you can predict the following continuation, from the diagram: 7-11! 16-7 15-19 24-6 14-17 RW.

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