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Famous Opening Shots

© Copyright 1997 etc., Jim Loy
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If you don't play out these short games, you'll regret it. These are a lot of fun. A shot, or stroke, is one or more pitches (sacrifices) followed by one or more multiple jumps. Try to figure these out, from the diagrams.

1. Canalejas Shot
11-16 (Bristol) 23-18 16-20 24-19 (same as 11-16 24-19 16-20 23-18) 8-11? [diagram #1] White wins a piece: 19-15 10-19 18-14 (or 27-24 first) 9-18 22-8 4-11 27-24 WW. Montero, 1591 (A.D.). The trap is also brought up by 12-16 23-18 16-20 24-19 (same as 12-16 24-19 16-20 23-18) 8-12?

2. Fool's Mate
10-15 (Kelso) 23-19 6-10 22-17 11-16? [diagram #2] White wins 2 pieces: 17-13 16-23 13-6 2-9 27-2 WW. This was named in "honor" of the Fool's Mate in chess.

3. Tourist Trap
9-13 (Edinburgh) 23-19 11-16 26-23 10-14 24-20? [diagram #3] Black wins 2 pieces: 14-17 21-14 (20-11 17-26 31-22 7-31 RW) 6-10 20-11 10-26 31-22 7-31 RW. Apparently, many players have fallen for this one. This position also comes up from 10-14 23-19 11-16 26-23 9-13 same, just before the 24-20? blunder.

4. Wyllie's Switcher Stroke
11-15 21-17 9-13 (Switcher) 25-21 8-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 6-10 22-17 13-22 26-17 15-18 24-20 2-6 28-24 4-8 29-25 11-15 30-26 6-9? (15-19 draws) [diagram #4] This one is a little tougher than the above traps: 24-19 15-24 20-16 12-19 27-20 18-27 31-6 1-10 26-22 9-18 22-6 WW, James Wyllie.

5. Steel Shot
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-13 17-14 10-17 21-14 (Laird & Lady) 15-18 19-15 4-8 24-19 13-17 28-24 11-16 26-23 16-20 31-26? [diagram #5] An impressive shot follows: 18-22! 25-18 12-16 19-12 7-10 14-7 3-28 12-3 2-7 3-10 6-31 RW, James Steel, published in 1851.

6. Boomerang Trap (A. J. Heffner - J. Hill) (White comes up with a clever shot, but Red wins)
11-15 24-19 (Second Double Corner) 15-24 28-19 9-14 22-18 5-9 26-22 7-11 27-24 3-7 22-17 11-15 18-11 8-15 25-22 9-13 (Now, White's shot) 23-18 14-23 17-14 10-26 19-3 [diagram #6] Now, Red wins a piece: 12-16! 31-22 16-20, then if 24-19 2-7 RW. This was A. J. Heffner - J. Hill, which continued (after Red's 16-20) 3-7 2-11 24-19 11-15 19-10 6-15 21-17 4-8 17-14 8-12 14-10 12-16 10-7 15-19 7-2 23-26 30-23 19-26 2-7 26-30 22-18 30-26 18-15 RW.

7. Saukell's Shot
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-13 17-14 10-17 21-14 (Laird & Lady) 15-18 19-15 4-8 24-19 6-9 15-10 13-17 19-15 17-21 28-24 11-16 [diagram #7] White kings a piece for an easy win: 15-11 8-15 10-6 1-17 25-22 18-25 29-6 2-9 24-19 WW, Saukell. Red will not be able to king.

8. Goose Walk
11-15 22-18 (Single Corner) 15-22 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 25-22 10-15 24-20 12-16 27-24? [diagram #8] Red drastically changes the position with the following shot, but remains even in material. Can he win, when it's over? 16-19 (or 15-19 first) 23-16 15-19 24-15 9-14 18-9 11-25 and 5-14. Apparently, since White cannot king, Red can just wait with 25-29-25-29... until White lets him out of the corner, RW.

9. A Hole in the Dyke
11-15 22-17 15-19 (Black Dyke) 23-16 12-19 24-15 10-19 25-22 8-11 29-25? (27-23 or 30-25 PP) 11-15 27-23? (17-13! PP) [diagram #9] Red comes out even in material, with this shot. Can he win when it's over? 9-13 23-16 15-18 22-15 13-29 21-17 4-8 (Red can win a piece with 7-11, but can he keep it?) If Red is careful, White will run out of moves, RW, W. F. Ryan.

10. Scrub's Delight
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 4-8 (Old 14th. Or 9-14 17-13 4-8 26-23 15-18 24-20 11-15 17-13 8-11 same) 17-13 15-18 24-20 11-15 28-24 8-11 26-23 9-14 31-26 6-9 13-6 2-9 26-22 9-13 [diagram #10] Again, White comes out even in material: 20-16 (or 22-17 first) 11-20 22-17 13-22 21-17 14-21 23-14 10-17 25-22 WW. OK, can you win this for White? Continue: 1-6 (now or later) 2-9 5-14 19-15 3-8 (14-18 24-19 and 27-24 WW) 15-10 8-11 10-6 11-15 6-2 12-16 (17-22 2-6 14-18 6-10 WW) 2-6 14-18 6-10 16-19 10-14 19-28 14-23 17-22 23-18 WW. This is called "the big stroke" in Lees' Guide, and there it is credited to J. Sturges.

These two shots occur in the ending:

11. Brooklyn
11-15 22-18 (Single Corner) 15-22 25-18 9-13 29-25 12-16 18-14 10-17 21-14 16-20 23-18 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 1-6 26-23 13-17 31-26 8-11 24-19 4-8 28-24 8-12 19-15 3-8 23-19 11-16 26-22! 17-26 30-23 7-10 14-7 2-11 [diagram #11] This is called the Brooklyn Position: 18-14 11-18 14-10 6-15 23-14 16-23 27-4 20-27 32-23 WW, John Drummond.

12. Alligator (or Crocodile) Position
9-13 (Edinburgh) 22-17 13-22 25-18 11-16 29-25 5-9 18-14 9-18 23-14 10-17 21-14 8-11 24-19 16-23 26-19 6-10 25-21 10-17 21-14 11-16 28-24 16-23 27-18 7-11 30-26 11-16 26-23 16-20 31-27 2-7 24-19 7-11 14-10 11-16 18-15 4-8? [diagram #12] Now, White maneuvers quietly for a surprise shot. Fishburne called this the Alligator Position, "because it has such a wicked tail-end snap." 10-6 1-10 15-6 3-7 6-2 7-10 2-6 10-14 6-9 14-17 9-14 17-22 14-17 22-26 32-28* 26-31 (8-11 28-24 26-31 17-22 WW) 19-15 31-24 28-19 20-24 23-18*! (the snap of the tail) 16-23 15-11 8-22 17-28 WW, W. H. Russell.

Addendum #1: More Opening Shots

13. Don - Amateur
11-15 22-18 15-22 (Single Corner) 25-18 8-11 29-25 4-8 25-22 11-16 18-15 10-19 24-15 9-13? [diagram #13] White wins a piece: 15-10 7-14 (or 6-15) 22-17 13-22 26-10 6-15 23-19 WW.

14. Pringle - a friend
11-15 21-17 8-11 (9-13 is stronger) 25-21 (this position is more natural from 11-15 22-17 8-11 25-22) 4-8 (9-13) 24-20 15-18 22-15 11-18 23-14 9-18 29-25 8-11 28-24? [diagram #14] Maybe you can find this win: 18-23! 26-19 (27-18 10-14 is shorter) 11-16 20-11 7-23 27-18 10-14 17-10 6-29 RW.

Extra credit: Did you notice that diagrams 13 and 14 are nearly identical (but colors reversed)? The winning moves are the same.

15. The Jacques Shot: Campbell - E. R. Jacques, 1869
9-13 24-19 11-16 22-18 8-11 28-24 16-20 18-14(A) 10-17 21-14 11-16 25-21 6-9 23-18 16-23 26-19 4-8? (13-17 is strong, PP) 29-25 7-11(B) 19-15 (25-22) 13-17 (12-16) 31-26 9-13 25-22 12-16 15-10 2-7? (16-19! 24-15 2-7 27-24 20-27 32-23 5-9 draws, W.Ryan) [diagram #15] Find the win: 27-23! 20-27 14-9 5-14 18-9 7-14 9-6 1-10 23-18 21-7 3-10 26-3 27-31 3-7 WW.

A - Boland's Masterpieces in the Game of Checkers gives this game as beginning: 11-16 24-19 8-11 28-24 16-20 22-17 9-13 22-17 9-13 17-14 same.

B - Boland's Masterpieces in the Game of Checkers says 13-17 31-26 9-13 25-22 7-11 19-15 same.

Addendum #2: Two shots from Checkers (also called Win at Checkers) by Millard Hopper.

16. Page 82
11-15 23-18 8-11 27-23 11-16 (Slip Cross) 18-11 16-20 24-19 7-16 22-18 4-8 25-22 8-11 29-25 10-14 19-15 3-8 22-17? (31-27 draws) [diagram #16] Red wins with 20-24! 28-19 16-20 17-10 9-14 18-9 11-27 32-23 6-24 RW.

17. A draw, page 83
11-15 24-20 (Ayrshire Lassie) 8-11 28-24 4-8 23-19 9-14 22-17 5-9 26-23 9-13 20-16 [diagram #17] Red can draw this, believe it or not: 11-20 (13-22? 25-9 6-13 30-25 11-20 21-17 13-22 25-4 WW) 30-26 13-22 25-4 10-17 21-14 3-8 4-11 7-30 14-10 (did you see that coming?) 6-15 31-26 30-23 27-11 20-27 32-23 draw. Eighteen pieces disappeared in one shot.

18. From The Complete Guide to Checkers (also titled Secrets of Checkerboard Strategy) by Tom Wiswell
11-15 23-18 9-14 (Cross Choice) 18-11 8-15 22-17 4-8 25-22 8-11 27-23 11-16 24-19 15-24 28-19 16-20 31-27? (32-27 draws, Wiswell) [diagram #18]. Red wins with 14-18! 22-15 (or 23-14 5-9 is similar) 7-11 15-8 10-14 RW.

19. Here is a shot from Lees' Guide
11-15 24-20 (Ayrshire Lassie) 8-11 28-24 4-8 23-19 15-18 22-15 11-18 26-22 7-11 22-15 11-18 30-26 8-11 26-22? [diagram #19]. Red wins with 11-16! 20-11 3-7 22-15 7-23 27-18 10-28 RW.

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