The Great Pawn Hunter
Chess Tutorial

This is for those of you who love trivia. I hope that this page brings you a little more enjoyment. The life spans of the champions are in red. When they held there titles are in Black.

World Champions Lifespans in Numbers

Philidor Francois-Andre 1726 1795
Deschapelles Alexandre 1780 1847
Bourdonnais Louis 1795 1840
Steinitz Wilhelm 1836 1900
Morphy Paul 1837 1884
Lasker Emanuel 1868 1941
Capablanca Jose 1888 1942
Alekhine Alexander 1892 1946
Euwe Machgielis 1901 1981
Botvinnik Mikhail 1911 1996
Smyslov Vasily 1921 2002
Petrosyan Tigran 1929 1984
Spassky Boris 1937 2002
Fischer Robert 1943 2002
Karpov Anatoly 1951 2002
Kasparov Garry 1963 2002
Tal Mikhail 1936 1992
Vladimir Kramnik 1975 2002

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