The Great Pawn Hunter
Chess Tutorial

The Great Pawn Hunter wakes. "Another morning without a plan." thought the Hunter. He called his friend the Restless Knight. "Hey, there's a great chess club down town." said Restless. "Do you want to go? I hear there are grandmasters there!" The Knight, well, she always knew how to get the Hunter out of the house. "Cooool. I am there already." said the Hunter. "We could take the bus." said the Knight. The Hunter knew his pockets were empty. "I got a better idea, let's walk."

Much further along the way. Just before you cross the tracks was Old Maestro...They could see him now, plain as hand out holding a cup the other holding a sign. The sign read:

One nickel, One thought.
from Old Maestro.

The pawn hunter put down his chess set and rummaged around in his pockets. He couldn't find a coin. "Do you have a nickel?" said the pawn hunter. His anticipation was boiling over. When he got the nickel, he quickly dropped the coin in Old Maestro's cup. The man with eyes as grey as an old tin can picked up the chess set, handed it to the hunter, and whispered in the pawn hunters ear "It's all about space." Little did the hunter know it would be the best nickel he never spent. Then it was the Restless Knight's turn. She dropped the nickel in the cup. Old maestro smiled at the Knight, took one long look at the Hunter and whispered in the Restless Knight's ear. He said "Its all about space"
She giggled.

They arrived at the chess club in a heated debate...ok an argument. "Did not," "Did too," "Did not," "Did too" get the idea. The day would have been ruined if it weren't for the woman who ran the club. She showed them pictures of past and present champions that were hung all around the club and introduced them to "Bughouse" a game for four players. "How do you play it?" asked the Knight.

Well, you use two chess sets side by side. You and your friend play on one side of the table against two players on the other side of the table.

You have the white pieces and your team mate has the black pieces. Any pieces you capture from your opponent you give to your team mate and he can place them down on his chess board. Any pieces your team mate captures will be given to you so you can place them down on your chess board. When it is your turn, you can either move or place a piece on your chess board. Placing a piece on the chess board counts as your move. You can not place the piece down on a square that is already occupied.

"What did she say?" said the Hunter.
"Just follow my lead." said the Knight.

The Restless Knight and The Great Pawn Hunter played many Bughouse games that day and made many friends. It was as they were leaving the club that they saw a photo of an old man holding a cup in one hand and a sign in the other, it was Old Maestro, and the sign read "Champion" and the cup was a victor's cup.

Copyright © Manus Patrick Fealy 1994-2002

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