The Great Pawn Hunter
Chess Tutorial

Crouching low by the side of the car, the Great Pawn Hunter whispered "Restless, do you see them yet?" The Restless Knight peered out from behind the bumper of the car. "The coast is clear," said she. They were looking for the other team in a game of "Relevio". Most all of the Great Pawn Hunter's team had already been caught and he and the Restless Knight knew there was only one chance of setting their teammates free... somehow, someway, someone would have to put their foot on the porch where their teammates were being held and shout RELEVIO!. However, this was next to impossible without getting caught themselves...but, they had a plan!

The coach had shown them a tactic called the "Decoy" in a chess lesson a day before:

The (e7) square is protected by the Black Queen. If only there was a way to lure the Black Queen away from protecting this square. Then the White Queen could move to the (e7) square and checkmate the Black Monarch! The White Rook "decoy's" the Black Queen from protecting the King with 1) Rxc6!. Black is forced in the reply 1)... Qxc6.

Now, the White Queen moves in for the kill with 2) Qe7 checkmate.

So, slowly, they crept up along the sides of the cars until they could see their teammates being guarded by who else...none other than ...The Talker...and boy was he talking. "There is no way you can win now!" said he "I bet the Pawn Hunter and the Restless Knight have gone home and forgotten all about you...what losers!"

But, the chess players had not forgotten their teammates and that is when they executed their plan. The Great Pawn Hunter came out from behind a car and into the street and shouted "Hey Talker, Does your Mother know you're a fool?" The Talker shouted back "She does not!" Well, the other players laughed and laughed, and when he realized what he said, he chased the Great Pawn Hunter down the street swearing vengeance. Well, they ran past the fire hydrant, and then the chess club, and finally past a small figure who waited till they went by to run over and place her foot on the unguarded porch and shout REEELLLEEEEVVIIOOOOO!!!...yes, it was the Restless Knight.

..and the captives shouted We're Free, We're Free, We're Free at Last!

What better way to end a day. Til tomorrow my friends, Joy and Peace to you all :)

Copyright © Manus Patrick Fealy 1994-2002

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