The Great Pawn Hunter
Chess Tutorial

Morphy T. Bear (the 'T' stands for "the") was quite a member of the family. He traveled from tournament to tournament and could always be seen looking at the chess game, from the side of the table, in earnest support for the Great Pawn Hunter. It didn't matter that Morphy couldn't play chess. It didn't matter that Morphy was stuffed either. All that mattered was that Morphy was there to console the Great Pawn Hunter in defeat or cheer as he marched onward unto victory!!!

History may state it differently, but I think it was that calm, determined look that Morphy radiated or maybe it was that cute cuddly all warm and furry attitude of his that so unnerved the Great Pawn Hunter's opponents. Your guess is as good as mine! I'll say this for him...when the chips were down, Morphy T. Bear brought to the table a unique qualification to appease even the most formidable of the Great Pawn Hunter's opponents or ...worse yet...tournament directors!

This occasion was no different as we join a game with the Great Pawn Hunter recently in session. The Great Pawn Hunter was playing the White pieces:

In this game of speed chess, the Great Pawn Hunter's opponent, the Talker, was ruthlessly attacking the Great Pawn Hunter...what happened? Did the Great Pawn Hunter survive? ...Do birds fly? Do fish swim? If you swallow a frog can you jump higher? Lets see what happened in the game:
1)... Rxg2+ check!
a bold attacking move removing the last shreds of pawn cover from the Great Pawn Hunter's king... The Talker slammed the chess clock, with attitude, that shook the table. Morphy T. Bear slid slowly towards the enemy.

2)Kxg2, Qh3+ check again!
Ouch, that gotta hurt! Another piece, the queen, joined in on the action. "You're no match for me!" shouted the Talker. With no pawn cover, the Great Pawn Hunter's king was lunch meat. "Bam!" shouted the Talker as he hit the Clock again...Morphy T. Bear slid closer!

"You're playing the wrong game," shouted the Talker. "You should be playing Marbles with that bear!" said he. Little did the Talker know that the Great Pawn Hunter was quite a good Marbles player and could beat the Talker any given day of the week!
3)Kf2, Qh2+ check again!
another slam of the clock...Morphy T. Bear slid closer still!

4)Kf3, Rf8+ check again!
yet another slam of the clock...and Morphy T. Bear, with courage and determination far beyond his years, was finally within range right next to the Black Monarch.

"Get that stupid bear off of the table!" shouted the Talker. He couldn't stand the look on the bear's face any longer. Quickly he reached for Morphy, who was standing ground, and the Talker hit his own king with his hand.

Over the king went crashing down on its side and, just as the king hit the chess table, O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y KNOCKED. The Great Pawn Hunter shouted "I accept your resignation." and it was a good thing he did because 5)..., Rxf7 was checkmate! Yes, another game in the win column...and the Great Pawn Hunter leaves you with this bit of advice:

When your game is on fire
and your pieces are hot
shout if you dare
but, don't mess with the mascot!

The Great Pawn Hunter

Copyright © Manus Patrick Fealy 1994-2002

Game: Paulsen - Morphy, 1857

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