The Great Pawn Hunter
Chess Tutorial

Friends, when I was growing up, from time to time, my parents would have arguments over a disagreement. I thought they didn't love each other. But, one day I opened the door to the kitchen, after one of their fights, and found them embraced in each others arms and kissing affectionately. That's when I knew they were deeply in love with each other and it was their love that carried them through those tough times. So this poem is in memory of them and it is for all those couples who are having a rough time of it. It is a testament of what it takes to survive. Sometimes, for the sake of love, someone has to give in. Although the poem starts with a knock down drag out fight rest assured the king and queen are brought together and peace is restored in the kingdom once again.
God Bless us all.

A Clown with the Blues

(The Shrew Poem)
"I'm King of this board!,"
said the King to the Queen
as she lowered the boom
on his head with a "Ting!"
"I'll have no more of that,"
said she to her clown
"Get off of this board
and here take your crown.
You're a slob and a louse
You are no more my spouse
than a dog to a cat
or a cat to a mouse!"
Now, the King to the Queen said,
"You're my love. You're my bride.
And on my own board,
my head I'll not hide."
So, he turned his cheek
to the other side.

she hit him again
right smack on the nose
as a shiver went down
clear through to his toes.
And he fell on a square
as he said, "Please No Hun!"
and he was called out
at the count of one.
And the Queen exclaimed,
"No! What Have I done?!"
and out from the castle
she started to run.
"Anything is better than
at the King's side"
so she looked in the center
for a square there to hide

And that is why, friends,
she starts out every game
where her shoes
match her dress
and the square is the same.
And the King, my dear friends,
is a "clown with the blues"
for he followed his queen there
for the sake of her shoes.
Yes, Love is blind friends,
but, it's better than hate,
and he loved his queen,
for she was his mate.
They were brought together
in the center of the row,
and they start every game
side by side, toe to toe.

So the next time you take out
that old grimy chess set
with a stain on the board
chewed and gnawed by a pet
kiss the queen to the king
and then, take your seat

for in the center of the board

is where true chess friends meet.

The Great Pawn Hunter

Copyright © Manus Patrick Fealy 1994-2004

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