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HIARCS 9.0 for PCs

A chess program which can do more than calculate!

The latest version 9.0 of the program has been enhanced and extended in many ways, particularly in terms of implementing concrete chess knowledge and positional learning. With the improved search function, it's now possible to assess positions using new positional criteria such as “typical pawn structures”, “long term plans” and above all “safety of the king”. A better selection of variations provides a greater search depth, enabling Hiarcs 9 to impress by its sharp powerful play against the enemy king as well as its better understanding of endgames, even with unbalanced material.

A special asset of Hiarcs 9 is the opening book, which has been finely adjusted to the playing style of the program. This is the work of computer chess expert Eric Hallsworth, who has been developing the Hiarcs opening books for many years. For Hiarcs 9, he has compiled an optimized and many-sided repertoire with a wealth of novelties.

Developer Mark Uniacke himself says about his new program: “A major improvement is the king attack enhancements. Hiarcs' play can now be really exciting. Also the learning and the positional understanding has been clearly improved. I suggest to you that the king attack enhancements (the play can be really exciting), learning, positional understanding (Hiarcs has a reputation as a positional player) and the overall strength are now clearly on a par with the top engines.”

Key Benefits

bulletbrand-new chess engine “Hiarcs 9” by Mark Uniacke
bulletspecial “Hiarcs 9” opening book by Eric Hallsworth
bulletFritz8 user interface with many training functions for beginners, club players and grandmasters
bulletexclusive photo-realistic 3D boards in various designs
bulletaccess to the ChessBase internet server “Playchess.com” (free for 12 months)
bulletdatabase with 500,000 games

HIARCS 9 can be purchased at the ChessBase Shop or from Countrywide Computers or ChessUSA 


"I've been in the chess computer software biz for over a decade and I can tell you that I have never heard more raves from users over any other chess program than I've heard over Hiarcs. Users love this chess engine. I've received literally scores of highly favorable e-mails and comments from happy Hiarcs owners over the years. If you never buy another chess engine, you owe it to yourself to add Hiarcs to your stable of chess playing programs. Playing against Hiarcs is very much like playing against a strong human player." - Hiarcs 9 review by Steve Lopez 17/10/2003
"HIARCS is much better positionally than Deep Blue." - Garry Kasparov 1997 (after game 5 of the rematch)
For Palm, PC & Mac Chess Software with attitude, features and chess playing strength, you can't beat HIARCS!
HIARCS is designed and developed by Mark Uniacke. Contact
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HIARCS is a trademark of Applied Computer Concepts Ltd. All other product trademarks acknowledged.
Copyright © 2005 Applied Computer Concepts Ltd. All rights reserved. Last modified: Friday October 21, 2005 .