

How Computers
play chess

How NagaSkaki
plays chess

Tips for writing a
chess program


How NagaSkaki plays chess

NagaSkaki is a young program and a lot of enhancements must still be implemented in its engine. Here is a summary of its current engine:

  • The chessboard is represented with bitboards.
  • Searching is done with an alpha beta algorithm with: extensions (check, recapture, etc.), lazy evaluation and futility pruning
  • It uses Null move forward pruning in the opening, middle game and ending when both sides have at least one piece (with R=2 and R=3).
  • NagaSkaki's positional knowledge has not been fine tuned and it seems to play rather aggressive.
  • It uses a small opening book that can handle transpositions.
  • Other features it has: Killer moves, History heuristics, quiescence search, Aspiration window and Transposition tables.

Move Generation is a bit different than the normal rotated bitboards (Actually they're not rotated at all!) and works as follows:

  • First Generate a bitboard of all squares occupied by pieces.
  • Next all the bits, except those in the direction we want to move (left, right, up and down for rook), are deleted.
  • Now we "shift" all the bits to the direction we want to move, e.g. for a rook moving right from the A file: The occupied board 0001 1010 becomes: 0000 1101 | 0000 0110 | 0000 0011 = 0000 1111 (I only show the occupied rank - of course the whole bitboard consists of 64 bits.)
  • We then XOR the bits, so that all bits where we can move are set (1111 0000).
  • AND the result with all bits, except those where our own pieces are, so that we only generate captures of enemy pieces and not our own.
  • Lastly, convert the bitboard to moves.

Here is an example of the generation of horizontal rook moves:
bitboard rightboard = (occupiedboard & rookXrays[sq][0]); //rookXrays[sq][0] is all bits to the right of rook
rightboard = rightboard<<1|rightboard<<2|rightboard<<3|rightboard<<4|rightboard<<5|rightboard<<6;
rightboard=(rightboard^rookXrays[sq][0]) & notfriendlyboard;
bitboard leftboard = (occupiedboard & rookXrays[sq][2]); //rookXrays[sq][2] is all bits to the left of rook
leftboard=(leftboard^rookXrays[sq][2]) & notfriendlyboard;

© 2002-2004 by Neels Groenewald
e-mail: NagaSkaki@yahoo.com

Last updated: 22 March 2004