THE "STAR TREK: VOYAGER" DRINKING GAME Compiled by Arthur Levesque -- -- from a discussion started on rec.arts.startrek.current by Larry A. Harper ( Each player chooses a different character from the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager." If there are few people, or a major booze-up is desired, each person should choose TWO characters. Each character has a list of drink conditions; if your character fulfills a drink condition, take a drink (i.e. if you chose the Doctor, and the Doctor gets annoyed, take a drink). You may also have to drink because of another character's actions (if your character is Paris, and Janeway pats Paris on the head, you must also take a drink). At the end of the list are generic events which cause ALL viewers to drink. JANEWAY -- Take a drink every time Janeway... Gives the order to fire phasers and destroys something. Invokes the Prime Directive (another for her or anyone else who breaks it). Puts her hands on her hips. Touches a member of the crew (another drink for crewmember she touches). CHAKOTAY -- Take a drink every time Chakotay... Disagrees with Janeway. Makes another reference to his Native American Culture. Mentions the word "Maquis". TUVOK -- Take a drink every time Tuvok... Does/says something Vulcan (mind meld, nerve pinch, raises eyebrow). Points out the logical course of action (double if everybody ignores him). NEELIX -- Take a drink every time Neelix... Another ugly alien shows up eating/looking to eat Neelix's food. "Cheers everyone up" Cooks something involving mildew, fungus, or things like that. Gets jealous/overprotective of Kes (another for the person he's jealous of). Produces a grimace, stare or other type of pulled face with his cooking. DOCTOR -- Take a drink every time the Doctor... Complains/gets annoyed. Gives the computer a verbal order. Learns something from Kes (another drink for Kes). Says, "I'm a doctor, not a..." TORRES -- Take a drink every time Torres... Gets angry. Says the words "Star Fleet"; double if it's said in a derogatory manner. Says the word "Klingon." PARIS -- Take a drink every time Paris... Asks Kim to double-date (another drink for Kim). Gets horny (propositions a female, etc.); another drink for the female. Makes a sarcastic comment following the close of hailing frequencies. KES -- Take a drink every time Kes... Feels something (Neelix not included). Learns something from the Doctor (another drink for the Doctor). Reveals an unusual facet of Ocampa biology/reproduction/culture/etc. KIM -- Take a drink every time Harry Kim... Makes that "gosh, this is so goshdarned annoying and frustating" face. GENERIC -- All players take a drink whenever... A character from another Trek series is mentioned. A guest actor is shown who's done something else on Star Trek before. Someone* destroys/loses a shuttlecraft. Someone* introduces a new particle. Someone* mentions how far they are from home. Someone* mentions a person left behind in the Alpha Quadrant, double if it's an S.O. ** Someone* suggests landing the ship, double if they enter planet's atmosphere. Someone* uses the holodeck, double if it malfunctions. The nacelles go up and down. There's a time/space anomaly, double for whoever goes through it. There's a warp core breach. There's some enormous space creature they hurt or wants to fuck the ship. They don't manage to get home after all. They* go out in a shuttle to isolate someone for the sake of a storyline. * Another drink if it's your character(s) who does it. **Significant Other (Janeway's boyfriend, Kim's girlfriend, etc.)