Aug 5, 2003 in Vadstena, Sweden


1. The General Assembly was declared open by Peter Jonsson.


2. Peter Jonsson was elected as Chairman of the General Assembly.


3. Anders Henningsson was elected secretary of the General Assembly.


4. Three persons who should check the minutes.

Ants Soosirv
Hiroshi Okabe
Juri Tarannikov


5. Election of three scrutineers.

Markus Ericsson
Alan Pelikan
Albert Pogosyan


6. The agenda was approved.


7. Roll call:

Armenia             Albert Pogosyan
Azerbadjan          Nizami Eibatov
China               Chen Wei
Chineese Taipei     Chang Ji Feng
Japan               Mitsumori
Russia              Pavel Makarov
Estonia             Ants Soosirv
Sweden              Peter Jonsson
The above countries has the right to vote in the General Assembly, 2003.


8. Adoption of new RIF members. Canada was adopted as RIF-member from 2003-08-05. The 50 USD should be paid ASAP.


9. Annual reports from the President, the Treasurer and the Auditor. See separate documents.


10. The work of the Central Committee for the last two years was approved.


11. Budget and the membership fee. Changes in membership-fee status since June 2003.

China                 2003-2006
Chineese Taipei       2003-2008
Japan                 Until 2004
Russia                Until 2003
Czech Republic        Until 2004
Canada                Not paid
The budget was adjusted with 1800 SEK for Renju Class and approved.
The membership fee would be same as before.


12. Election of the Central Committee

Peter Jonsson was elected president.
It was decided that Anders Henningsson is one out of 3 candidates for Vice President.
It was decided that there can be 3 Vice Presidents.
Vice Presidents:
Anders Henningsson
Alexander Nosovsky
Norihiko Kawamura
General Secretary:
Pavel Salnikov
Stefan Karlsson
Lillemor Paulander


13. Proposal from the General Secretary:


    RIF should use a system with coefficients for the member fees

    depending on the economical situation in the country concerned.

    If the General Assembly approves the proposal the Central

    Committee should make a suggestion for coefficients that can be

    approved on the General Assembly 2005.


    At the Mind Sports Olympiad such system was used for the

    tournament fees.

     The assembly voted NOT to approve the proposal from point 13.


14. Proposal from Yuriy Tarannikov (through the President):

    We will have one "perspective future opening rules" (PFOR) and

    five "candidate future opening rules" (CFOR). During the period

    between two General Assemblies these rules and new prepositions

    are analyzed by federations and an Opening Rules Commission. At

    each General Assembly the following three questions are decided:


    a) Will the current PFOR become the new RIF rules? If not


    b) Which rules will be the new PFOR (the choice is possible only

       between the current PFOR and the five current CFOR; also it is

       possible that the status of PFOR will be vacant).


    c) Which maximum five number of rules will be the new CFOR:s

       (the choice is possible between all prepositions.


    For example, if we introduce this system at the GA 2003 then we

    will be able to decide five CFOR at the GA 2005, one PFOR at the

    GA 2007 and to establish the new rules at the GA 2009. So, we

    will have enough time to analyze all consequences and renju

         players do not have to be afraid of that the rules will be

    changed suddenly.


The assembly voted to approve the proposal from point 14.

The assembly voted to approve as a basis the list of requirements for new opening rule.


The list of requirements for new opening rules


       I. Traditions


The basic Renju rules must be kept.

The opening stage must not exceed 5 moves.

All 26 canonical openings must be possible and only 26 canonical openings can be possible.

All present realistic variants must be possible.

The moves located very closely near the edges of a board during the opening stage are not preferable.


II. Simplisity and attraction


New rules must be simple to study.

New rules must be simple to play for beginners. The situation when in significant part       of cases a beginner will have the lost position already after the first 5 moves is not good.

The rules must be systematic and attractive.


       III. Creativity


The number of possible creative variants must be significantly greater than now. These variants must be achieved under the optimal strategy of both players.

The chances of sides to win must be practically equal.

The situation when during the opening stage the player who make a move does not interested in the  forming of equal and creative position is not preferable. (Example:  indirect 2nd move in previous opening rules).

The rules must give the chance for both players to avoid the position after the opening stage well known for the opponent.

The knowledge of theory and deep own analyses must give an advantage but the player with a good imagination must have chances against this.


IV. The new Renju opening rules after the acceptance must be unchanged during a long historical period. For this we must be guaranteed that these rules have not any problems.


The assembly decided that the time schedule of opening rules selection for next two years will be developed by RIF Rules Commission.


15. Proposal from the President: The commissions are given a specific

    task (from the GA or the Central Committee) and a specific date

    when it should be ready together with the report.


    During all RIF history the work of the commissions have with a

    few exceptions been very poor. Maybe it can be easier for the

    commissions to work in this way.


The assembly voted to approve the proposal from point 15.


16. Proposal from the President: RIF should be registered as an

    official organization.


    It has been a wish from some people that it would be much easier

    for them to cooperate with authorities in their countries if RIF

    was an official organization. RIF can apply for registration in

    Sweden. This will lead to that RIF will have a REGISTRATION

    NUMBER. It is no cost for the registration in Sweden but the

    authorities need a copy of the statues and copies of the General

    Assembly minutes. The form for registration will be brought to

    the GA in Vadstena.

The assembly voted to approve the proposal from point 16.


17. Proposal from the President: RIF should have an official Swiss

    system to be used in all RIF championships. The Referee

    Commission makes a suggestion and the Central Committee decides.


    In Chess FIDE has an official system. For us it should be easier

    for referees and players.

The assembly voted to approve the proposal from point 17.


18. Proposal from the President: RIF should reprint the book "Five-In-

    A-Row/Renju". In the same time the book should be updated with

    new information in the end of the book (pages 152 – 154).


    The cost for 500 copies in the same quality as the original book

    is about 20 000 SEK. I think it is necessary not only to have

    information available on internet but also in book form.

The assembly voted to approve the proposal from point 18 and the cost was adjusted to 15.000. The cheapest option will be choosen. Poland and China are identified options.


19. Proposal from the President: The Sport Committee should a month

    before a new rating period starts declare what tournaments during

    this period that should be counted on the RIF official rating

    list. The declaration should be announced in the Renju Newsletter.

    Moreover, the first rating period of a year should be from Jan 1

    – May 15.


    As the situation is now I am not sure that all players really

    know what tournaments that are counted. Quite often it happens

    that a tournament starts in the end of April and finishes in May.

     The assembly voted to approve the proposal from point 19.


20. Proposal from the President: RIF should re-establish a list of

    connection men and publish this list on RIF home page. The

    President should at minimum once every sixth month ask the

    connection men about the situation of Renju in the country

    concerned and also ask if he/she wants to continue as a

    connection man.


    The President should also see that RIF systematically check out

    all sites for renju/five in a row in order to establish more

    contacts. The President can ask suitable persons to carry out

    this task and he should also together with the Central Committee

    take care of that a "package" of information can be delivered (by

    ordinary mail or by e-mail) to people who have showed interest

    for Renju. The President can during the next two years use

    maximum 4000 SEK for this task.


The assembly voted to approve the proposal from point 19 except “The President can during the next two years use maximum 4000 SEK for this task”


21. Decision of the place for future RIF official championships.

    a) Tyumen in Russia has asked for being the host for the Team

       World Championship in 2004.

    b) Tallinn in Estonia has asked for being the host for the World

       Championship in 2005.

    c) Asian Championship

    d) Youth World Championship

    e) European Championship

The following locations was decided:

    a) Tyumen, Russia

    b) Tallinn, Estonia

c) 2004 will be decided by cc. (Beijing, China, 2003, October already decided).

    d) Armenia (August prefered)

    e) Will be decided by cc


22. No report from the commissions


23. Elections for delegates in all RIF commissions. The former

    delegates can be found on  General Assembly decisions 2001, part2,



The Asian Commission
Chairman: Nara
Vice Chairman: Na Wei
Mr. Khramov, Uzbekistan
Mr. Chang, Chineese Taipei
Mr. Pogosyan, Armenia
Mr. Nosovsky, Russia
Mr. Eibatov, Azerbadjan
Mr. Kwon, Korea
Mr. Hasegawa, Japan
Mr. Glukovsky, Israel
Mr. Henningsson, Sweden
The correspondense commision
Chairman: Mr. Salnikov
Mr. Tarannikov, Russia
Mr. Nosovsky, Russia
The sports comission
Chairman: Stefan Karlsson
Vice Chairman: Lu Xiao Chun
Pavel Salnikov
Ants Soosirv
Iio, Japan
The referee comission
Chairman: Skuridin
Ants Soosirv
Yao Zhiyong, China
The youth comission
Chairman:Ants Soosirv
The rules comission
Chairman: Ando Meritee
Peter Jonsson
Zhang Jinyu
Mr. Chung
The qualification comission
Chairman: Oleg Stephanov
The translation commision
Chairman: Anders Henningsson
Ando Meritee
Peng Jian Guo
The European Comission
Chairman: Mr. Pelikan
Ants Soosirv
Peter Jonsson
The internet comission
Chairman: Ando Meritee
Mr. Chen Wei, China
Esther Eggert
Frank Arkbo

24. The General Assembly was closed








  Anders Henningsson                       

  Vice President, RIF
  ____________________                       ____________________

  Peter Jonsson                             Ants Soosirv

  President, RIF                           


____________________                      ____________________

Hiroshi Okabe                             Juri Tarannikov