Continental Chess Association

Box 249, Salisbury Mills NY 12577-0249

Phone: 845-496-9658

E-mail:  Chesstour@aol.comnojunk (remove "nojunk")

U.S. Chess Federation Membership Benefits

Continental Chess Association is not a membership organization, however, we are affiliated with the US Chess Federation (USCF). Our tournaments are rated by the USCF and require USCF membership. One year USCF membership, including subscription to CHESS LIFE monthly magazine, costs $49 adult, $25 youth (under 20), and $36 senior (over 65). A scholastic membership for  under 15 for $19 per year is also available, which includes the magazine bimonthly rather than monthly.

USCF memberships are available ONLINE through our secure server shopping cart.  We offer the following USCF memberships at a reduced price to those with USA, Canada or Mexico addresses:

One year adult with entry $49, but you get $10 off the entry fee, so in effect $39.
One year adult without an entry fee $47 (regularly $49).

One year adult promotional $36 (regularly $38).  This is for players who have never been USCF members or whose membership last expired in 2003 or before.

Six months adult $25 (regularly $27).

One year senior $34 (regularly $36), for age 65 or over.
One year youth $23 (regularly $25), for age 19 or under.
One year scholastic $17 (regularly $19), for age 14 or under.

The $10 off for adults paying $49 dues with advance entry is available online, by mail, or by phone.  The other reduced prices above are available only online.  No reduced price dues are available at tournaments. 

All memberships are $15 per year more for foreign countries other than Canada and Mexico.

USCF members also obtain a national chess rating, and are entitled to discounts on purchases of chess books and equipment.

To join USCF, send name, address, date of birth and ID number (if any) to Continental Chess, PO Box 249, Salisbury Mills NY 12577. Make checks payable to Continental Chess. Or join online through our secure server shopping cart.

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