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Endgame – the mating habits of homo sapiens
08.04.2004 On Monday we showed you a chess film that explored the dating habits of a young woman. Now we find another longer and racier one that goes a step further. Luis Camara Silva uses chess to illustrate the mating habits of humans. Watch his film and quit chess forever. Here's the disturbing movie...

After the first chess movie article appeared Geoffrey D Borg of Malta drew our attention to the fact that there is another longer, racier chess film on the Atom films web site. This one too is available in a number of different bandwidths and for Windows Media or Real formats.

In this Atom Shockwave production Luis Camara Silva explores the mating habits of homo sapiens, when a friendly game of chess between a man and a woman erupts into a battle of the sexes. This one contains spoken narrative. Samples:

"Natalie turns her attention to her opponent, a nervous little fellow. She relishes the sight of him squirming, wondering which rook to relinquish. Gregory has come to a decision. Hoping to be regarded as a brilliant yet generous opponent he decides to throw the game, sacrificing himself on the board in pursuit of a greater victory in the sexual arena."

"The female praying mantis would eat the head of her mate in the act of copulation, improving her mate's sexual performance. This scientific fact flashes for an instant through Gregory's mind as we are left to ponder the immortal words of Percy Bysshe Shelley:

Two vultures sick for battle,
Two scorpions under one wet stone,
Two bloodless wolves whose dry throats rattle,
Two crows perched on the murrained cattle,
Two vipers tangled into one."

Scary stuff – we may never play a game of chess again. If you are looking for help in interpreting this film you can read the reviews on the Atomic Films site.


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